Chapter 1. Nothing.

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I don't know how this happened.

I don't know why it happened.

I don't know why things like this happen.

Loss of your loved ones. Loss of a people you knew your whole life. Loss of happiness...

Happiness -as if it's a word anymore. Can't be defined. Can't be told for what it is. It's just... Nothing.

I feel my sister stand beside me as we watch our mother lower into her grave. Felt her warm hand grab mine and begin to enter twine with one another as tear flowed freely from her eyes. I gently kiss her light brown hair line to her forehead. "It will be okay, Lacey." I reassure her. "Okay." She whispers as she barred her eyes away from every one. I walked her to the car, the slouch of her poster and unbecoming make up running down her face suggested that she had gotten dumped. -But hell no, if that was the case, I would've whooped that boys ass.- But really, something much worse. She had lost her mother, after her farther.

Same mistakes.

Same deaths.

Same lies that only leaves us in disspare and loneliness.

The car ride back to our place seemed longer than usual. Lacey had her knees pulled up to her chest as heavy sobs flowed out. I pulled a hand off the wheel and laid it on her knee. She took my hand in hers and squeezed it. "Nothing is going to be okay, Shane." She whimpered into her legs. I parked the car next to our house. Or at lest for now. The landlord is giving us 2 weeks to pay or pack up and leave. Caring old man, isn't he?

We still sat in the car. My hand pressed against her chest so tightly I could feel her heart beat with every cry. Her head sealed behind my hand from nothing. But in her eyes I could be there saving her from more pain the there needs to be. "Let's go in Lacey." She nodded. I hold the door open for her as she slowly made her way in. Trudging up the stairs she went into her room and closed the door behind her.

Hours have passed since we had came home from the funeral and I had fallen asleep on our couch. Kicking my feet out of the blanket, I don't recall grabbing, I rub my eyes and look at my Phone. 11:47 am. It's tomorrow already. I look around and hoist myself up to hull myself up the stairs. I walk to Lacey's door I look at it before I knock. "Lacey." when I get no answer I knock again. "Lacey. Open up. I know your sad but it will get better. I promise." I say, as if I'm trying to convince my self of it. I twist the handle and push the door open. "Lacey?" I step in and feel something tacky beneath my foot. My eyes widen. "No, no, no." I barraged into her bathroom. "No!" I yell. She laid in her own pool of blood barley breathing or moving. I picked her up and cradle her in my arms as she looked at me.

"I'm... I'm so. Sorry." She said. I couldn't hold back the tears. They began to flow freely.

"It's okay Lacey. I'm here for you." I stick my hand into my and pull my phone out and fumble with it to call 911.

"I can't..."

"I know." I tell her. She cant deal with the family name the burden that has be bestowed onto us. But she cant leave me 

"Hello? I need help. Its my sister." The woman ask me basic questions like 'where are you?' and 'What happened' in her cool even voice while I panic on the other end. She finishes the phone call with 'Help is on the way.'

I hugged her tightly as she began to slowly breathe in and out. Lighter and lighter with each breath. Till she was finally done. I slammed the phone down in outrage and I got this feeling I never felt before I just wanted to break something. Needed to do something so I didn't feel like I wasn't worthless to earth. But instead I punch the wall, leaving a dent in it that I'll have to fix sometime in the next 2 weeks. Aw man, this will leave a mark.

They arrive and begin to question me about what happened as I watch my sister get dragged away and get a bandage wrapped around my hand. I watch them put the knife she used to kill herself in an evidence bag. "Tell me how did you fined her?" he asked. Tilting my head back, I close my eyes and waited before speaking. "I, uh..." I clear my throat and begin to tell the officer how I found her. "Rolled on her side, one hand on the knife, the other laid beside her. She was barely breathing. Then I called 911." After eyeing my now blood painted white shirt, he cleared me free and I was able to go inside once my hand was finish being wrapped up. Closing the door I locked it and sat on the couch, moments and moments passed. I felt I was being watched. And it was hard to want to fall asleep when all i wanted was my family back. But after tossing and turning, I finally  fell asleep.


"Never Turn a blind eye too the truth. It's not hard to guess where belong."

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