Chapter Two-Harry P.O.V.

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"He even wished us well, huh? Maybe he's turned over a new leaf." Ron admits regretfully after I read the letter to him and Hermione. Hermione nods thoughtfully and comments, "He went the entire letter without using the words 'Mudblood', 'Weasel', or 'Scarface'. I'm impressed." Ron and I nod.

"I'm glad he accepted. I'm sick of pretending that I hate him." I say. They nod and grin at each other. Only Ron and Hermione know that I'm gay and they don't care. They've even tried their hands at match-making.

I roll my eyes at the pair and announce, "I'm going to bed. See you in the morning." They nod and I run to the room that I share with Ron. As I get ready, I smile lightly, thinking of Draco. "Finally." I think, sighing in relief. I get into bed and let sleep claim me.

The next day is uneventful. Ron and Hermione are bickering over when to start studying for our N.E.W.T.s and I sit off to the sidelines, amused. It's not until around 7:30 p.m. that something happens. As Ron, Hermione, and i sit around the fireplace, I feel a burning, tearing pain in my back. I fall off the couch and bite my tongue to stop myself from howling in agony.

 "Harry? Harry?! What's wrong? What's happening?" Hermione frets, rushing to my side. I shake my head and tear prick my eyes. "Ron? Go get Molly. Maybe your mum can help." Hermione orders my terrified, red-headed friend. "No..." I'm able to groan out. Ron looks like he's about to argue, but thinks better of it. About four minutes later, all the pain is gone except for a dull throb in my back and the base of my skull. Hermione and Ron look at me in awe and I tilt my head to the side in confusion. 

"Harry... You have wings!" Hermione gasps, her eyes going wide. "Woah." I mumble, still woozy. "Bloody brilliant!" Ron comments, grinning. I grunt and try to stand. Keyword: try.

As soon as I get up, I'm knocked off balance by the foreign weight on my back. I try again, this time with Ron and Hermione behind me, and I'm able to stay upright. Tap, tap, tap. The sound makes me turn to face the window. A jet black owl is perched on the ledge. I open the window warily and the owl swoops in. He lands on my shoulder and I untie the letter from his leg.


Please come to Malfoy Manor as soon as possible. It is urgent.

-Narcissa Malfoy-Black"

My heart flutters like a leaf in a tornado and I bolt downstairs to the fireplace. Without further hesitation, I grab some floo powder and shout "Malfoy Manor!" As the green flames engulf me, I see Ron and Hermione's startled faces.

I wish that I could say that my entrance was graceful and perfect, but in reality, I fell on my face. "Are you alright, Mr. Potter?" A kind female voice asks. "I'm fine. Thank you." I reply, standing and dusting myself off. "Hello, Narcissa. You said it was urgent?" I ask, my heart pounding. 

"Yes. Follow me." she says anxiously. I nod and follow behind her. She leads me up the stairs and knocks on a door softly. "Draco? Let me in. You have a guest." she calls. "Come in." Comes a muffled reply. She opens the door and the state of the room stuns me.

The bed is unmade, the curtins are shredded, the floor is a mess of clothes, and in the middle of it all, is Draco Malfoy. "You're a Veela?" I choke out, my eyes going wide. 

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