Chapter 24: Love advice from Captain Eyebrows

Start from the beginning

"I better get going, see you later! Bye Pete." She said softly before heading out.

Turning to a corner, she bumped into Levi. She fell but luckily, Levi caught her before she hit the ground.

Eren blushed, her heartbeat increased in speed.

Levi held a straight face. But inside he was more than happy to hold Eren in his arms.

"I'm sorry." Eren apologized.

Levi helped her up, scratching his neck he said that it was no big deal.

"Wait, why aren't you in class?" Eren asked.

"I was looking for you, Ms. Floe told me to do so." He said.

"Oh, I was just helping out someone get to the nurse's office." She explained.

Clearing her throat, Eren tried to look at Levi directly but just can't find the courage to do so.

She took his hand and started to walk towards their French class.

"Let's just go." She said, looking down.

"Gezz, Eren if you want to hold my hand just say so." He grinned.

The blush on Eren's face became much more deeper.

"Shut up." She said.

Maybe this is just mood swings...

"...on your mark," the P. E. Teacher called.

"Get set,"

"Ready to lose, Armin?" Eren asked smirking.

"You wish, Eren." Armin replied.

"Go!" With that, the two students raced off Eren coming in on first.

Armin was trailing behind her.

"Don't take it personally if you lost!"

"Don't punch me if you lost!"

The two we're talking even though they were racing. While everyone else was amazed by how they were not out of breath yet.

"Is that how they always act?"

"I think so. They always hang out, you think they'd be together?"

"Nah, I think the girl has a boyfriend already."

"Hey Armin." Eren called out, they were nearly at the finish line.


"Let's get ice cream later, loser treats the winner."

"Your on."

There we're neck n neck, most of their classmates were cheering for them.

Both student's lungs were burning and screaming for air. Their muscle were aching and begging for them to stop.

But that wasn't enough for Eren to stop.

With all the energy she had left, she pushed herself to cross the finish line.

But she didn't stop there, she continued a little more before she collapsed on the ground panting.

"Congratulations Jeager, you won!" The teacher said.

Her heart was pounding against her chest, she gave her teacher a thumbs up.

Armin came to her, his hands rested on his knees.

"," he managed.

"Give me...a few... Need... Air." Eren managed.

Well who wouldn't? It was like a one mile run!

When the two were finally able to catch their breath, Armin helped Eren up.

"What flavor do you want again?"

"Chocolate!" Eren said childishly.


"Yay! Ice cream!" She cheered.

"After school." Armin reminded.

"Fine." Eren pouted.

Levi, who was at the bleachers watching them, felt jealous of the way they talked.

"Levi, I've been looking all over - " Erwin cut himself off.

He had a smug look on his face, he moved closer and sat next to Levi.

"Are you jealous of Armin?" The blonde asked.

Levi looked at him, his face was unreadable.

"No I'm not." He said.

"Denial." Erwin said.

"So what if I am?"

"Jealousy is the first sign of love." He said.

"Love?" He asked, his eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"Yeah, love. Its what I felt when I first saw Hanji with another man."

Levi snorted.

"I'm serious!"

"Yeah, and sometimes you fall in love with someone who is not ready to catch you,and the more time you stay fallen,the more it hurts when you try to get up." Levi stated sighing.

"If you only knew..." Erwin trailed off.

"Why were you looking for me again?"

"Right, couch is looking for you."

"Tell him I'll be there in a minute." He said.

Eren caught him staring at them, she waved to him and smiled.

Though it wasn't noticeable from a far, Levi had a light blush across his face. Erwin noticed this and waved at Eren.

"The more you hide your feelings for someone, the more you fall for them." Erwin said.

"I'll keep that in mind." Levi said still looking at the running students, Eren leading them.

He found himself smiling but ignored it.

I just caught myself smiling without a reason then I realized I was thinking of her.

He thought before taking his bag and heading to change for practice.

Okay, I was thinking... If I make another book, would you guys read it?

This is a very special day because today is my Mom's birthday! Love you mom!

Thanks for putting up with my drama, and insane behavior, for being their when I lost hope and for loving me endlessly.

Even though we fight, I could never imagine myself without you. You might be strict and you might be overprotective but that's the way I love you.

I know its tough to raise 2 naughty sons and a weird daughter 😏 but you never complained.

Thank you for having me as your daughter and for disciplining my brothers. I promise one day I'll make you proud.

I'm sorry for all the bad things I have done and for the things I haven't accomplished, I wish you the happiest birthday! I love you!😘

Forever and always will be your baby girl,

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