I. Grand Opening

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April 19th, 1952

24 hours before my birthday. I turn 19 tomorrow. How exciting. But not exciting enough. Every day I sit and ponder on how miserable my life has been. As I waste away and life keeps on going on not even stopping once to show any bit of compassion or worry towards me, but I mean why would it ?

Anyways here I am, 18 year old Boring me sitting in my room just wondering when will any type of excitement just burst through that door that I seem to be fascinated with since It's 1:45 in the morning.

I have a lot to look toward to tomorrow. Yipp-ee. Hint the sarcasm.

Mother wants me to meet this man she has decided to set me up with. I mean it's nothing I'm not familiar with. You see every year she sets me up with a few "bachelor's" that she can send me off to, to marry and start my own family with that man. Mother seems to understand that I am not ready to settle down or least be a housewife, I want to go to college and study Forensic Psychology and become a Forensic Psychologist, but mother disagrees. She says a woman my taste should not be thinking such things and how I would just bring shame to the family, and that some people will start to talk and think I'm a sociopath. It's already sufficient that the whole town thinks I'm a bit strange and deranged.

But that's far from the truth. I grew up as a "shut in" if it's an easier way to put it. An introvert. Growing up I wasn't like the other kids, while the other kids played in the front yard I was separated from the rest of the world by a window confined in the comfort of my home. While the kids started reading Romeo and Juliet, I was busy reading a poem or a story by Edgar Allen Poe. Mother's disapproval with the choice of my reading and social skills I learned to block out the negativity or annoyance of human contact soon by the age of 13. As I aged I was introduced into the world of the abnormal and also the dark world of mental illness and murder, reading old newspaper articles and checking out books by the nearest local library or book stores on these certain topics. I admired The way the mind worked and how you can tell a lot about a person by their body language just by observing and being open minded.

With my lack of socializing it was not that difficult to be able to analyze a stranger or a close relative without getting caught. It was something I did subconsciously which the towns people found strange which led me to be the talk of town.

Whenever I would go to these blind dates my mother would set up, which by the way the men were pitiful excuses of humanity, would ask me questions which I would choose to answer truthfully unlike These duhdy duhdy's that pull shit out of their ass to meet up the man's expectations and get the ring , but not me. When they ask me what I want to do for the rest of my life before I plan to settle down in the future. I answer with "becoming a Forensic Psychologist" and they stare at me like a deer in headlights and start to laugh and respond,

"You? A Forensic Psychologist? What type of sick joke are you playing at Ms.(Y/L/N) ? You mustn't be serious"

With this having to be a common reaction by every man I have encountered, I was not fazed by his childish actions. But I did find it rude and child like on his part. I shift my eyes and meet his stare

" Of course I am serious, but there is no need to explain my reasons to you , so how about we end this sad excuse of a 'date' "

Which leads the man in utter disbelief to then be followed up and replaced by anger.

That of course ends up with gossip about me being such a "bitch".

But nevertheless here I am.

I look towards my left to read the time on the wooden wall clock that was given to me by a fair small child that I have never encountered before.

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