Blood Red

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“It's a mark...A bloody red mark that carved on the man's neck. It keeps on happening, but why?!” the woman screamed in fear when she saw the man lying on the streets with two marks on his neck. It's blood just streamed down on the ground and he's clothes are covered in blood.

Natalie just watched behind, scared and angry at the same time that she  might not allowed to go outside because the creature kept killing the humans. She just stayed quiet. She tried to avoid the crowded people surrounding the lifeless man, until the police came to pick him up. The man is now covered in sheets and the polices tried to find some informations about the creature that kills people every night. But what is it?

“Did you saw what happened to the man?” the police asked the woman, but she seemed way to scared to answer and tears just fall down through her cheeks. She can't tell what it is due to her fright from the creature.

“I-I can't...*sniffs*...I-I m-mean I don't k-know what... *sniffs*... I s-saw w-what happened b-but...*sniffs*.” she left the police confusing as he offered her a handkerchief until she's okay to explain.

Minutes passed as the woman was calmed, she was now allowed to explain the incident she saw hours ago. “The man was just walking in the quiet alley when a dark hooded figure grabbed him from the throat and bit him on the neck.” the woman explained. Natalie never believed what she heared from the woman. No human would ever done that sorts of things. But what the woman said was true?

“I don't think humans can do that Ma'am, and also it's impossible that there are vampires that exist in this world.” the police said and the woman just shook her head. Natalie kept on listening to the conversation they're having while others asked plenty of questions about the hooded figure.

The woman couldn't speak because of the crowds annoying questions that cannot be answered.

“Did the hooded figure really done that?”

“How tall is he?”

“Why did this keep on happening?”

“Is the hooded man gonna attack again?”

Those are the questions that she heard. Her ears were burning through their questions that made her cover her ears to show them that they're annoying her, but that couldn't stop them so the polices block the people as they attempting to stop them from asking questions.

“Give her a chance to speak!” one police yelled as so the people started gossiping each other. The police that once ask her, turned around and faced her as he nodded. The woman took a deep breath and continue explaining.

Natalie wouldn't want to go home until the conversation is over. She needs to know what it is or else the creature will attack again. It's not like she will be the one who will kill the creature, she was just curious over the conversation between the woman and the police. She might even plan herself to book to Brazil and live there for the rest of her life.

One problem is that she needs her parents to come with her, even her little sister Chloe and the rest of her family. She had eight cousins in her family and she's not allowed to leave them behind when the creature strikes again.

But did she really believe that kind of thing?

The hooded man... He doesn't look like one. He's something else. Like he's literally tall and slender. What scared me the most is that he can run fast in full speed. Just a few seconds, he's gone.” the woman finished. The police understands her, but they don't believe what she was saying.

Blood marks? The hooded man? Bloody red eyes? Who knows, maybe it's a mystery.


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