Chapter 2

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I left the airport and started walking to the college address I was given. I lift my head from the small plastic card and take a look around.

'Wow! Hollywood sure is beautiful!' I thought to myself. the palm trees, the sun shining, the warm breeze that lifts my hair.

"Wonderful isn't it?!" I jump at the sound of a perky, bubbly voice. I turn and see a girl about my age with dark hair, glasses and a light tan-type skin color.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there. you scared me."

"My bad. I need to remember my light feet. I tend to seem sneaky when I'm really not. sorry for scaring you by the way." she replied, sheepishly. blush creeping into her cheeks.

"It's no problem. I should pay more attention. what's your name?" I asked. maybe I could meet a friend after all!

"I'm kiara! and your name is...?"

"Arianna. I'm new here I was accepted into the university. could you help me? I just got off the plane."

"Sure! follow me!" she exclaimed in a sing-song voice. she seems so happy and careless. so stress free! it'd do me good to try that sometime.


We arrived at the campus and she led me inside. the odds of us meeting after today are slim, yet as she guides me to the main office she explains how she attends this school as well and her old room-mate graduated.

"Maybe the dorm advisor will put you with me! I could ask if you want. unless you think I'm weird and annoying because some people think I'm weird. I don't care much for them because I know I'm weird and I'm proud of it." she rambled. but she didn't speak in a way that seems comforting and on the same hand I'll never have to worry about an awkward silence.

Deep in thought I never heard the footsteps or kiara's voice.

"Hello? Arianna are you in there?" she asked with that slow hypnotizing voice, waving her hand in my face.

"Relax kiara she's thinking about something. and the university can always use heavy thinkers." sounds like an adult. probably the dorm advisor kiara was talking about.

'Hmmm she sounds nice enough." I thought but when I snapped back to reality she looked even nicer.

She was beautiful with rich skin and smooth brown hair, a silky wave to it and she was wearing a nice pantsuit made with some white fabric. Plus she was young.

"Sorry," I said looking up. I imagined the blood rushing to my face. that was something I was known for. if, for some reason you wanted to embarrass someone, I was an easy blush.

"Oh it's quite alright." the pretty lady said with a giggle and a pearly white smile. "I'm ms.Nelson, your new dorm advisor. how are you liking Los Angelas?"

"Oh, it's amazing here! the sky is so blue and I never thought the Hollywood sign would look so perfect! and this school is a wonderful first impression!"

"I'm glad you like it. the teachers and staff have worked hard on the campus along with many of your new peers!"

"That part is obvious! it's really wonderful here!" I exclaimed. it kinda reminds me of when kiara scared me.

"Well, it seems you've already become friends with kiara, and her room-mate has graduated, it seems only fair to let you two stay together." I opened my mouth to speak but kii spoke first.

"Really?!!!!! Thank you ms.Nelson!"

"Your welcome girls. kiara help Arianna with her bags and bring her to your room. after that I'm sure you know what to do." ms.nelson smiled and walked off.

It only just clicked in my mind that her name is miss Nelson rather than misses Nelson.

When we get to the room and lay my stuff down I decide to start some kind of buzz.

"How can a kind, beautiful woman like ms.nelson be single?" I ask kiara, out of curiosity.

"In the big L.A. only famous people are taken." Kii answers yet still perky.

"Then I guess it sucks to be us then!" I say and we both start laughing. And though it wasn't that funny we can't stop until someone knocks on the door about three freakin minutes later, disrupting our happy times.

And for the first time since the plane left, while I'm sitting in only a few short seconds of silence between knocks, I miss Gianna.


Heeeyyy!!! kkiii_ if your reading this, chapter 2 is dedicated to you! I hope you like it guys! please tell your friends to follow me. I'm kinda new on watt pad. thank you!!!😉

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