Tim and Dex pulled the girls to a side door and went up a flight of stairs to the apartment. I guess they'll watch out for each other while I'm getting pizzas with Ian. We walked into the shop and waited for someone to come to the counter.

"Ian! My boy! Where have you been? How's your momma and papa? You need to tell them to come visit me at work! It's been ages!" An older gentleman stepped out and greeted Ian like they were family. Was this and uncle or something? "Who is this young lady with you? Is she your new girlfriend? What's your name sweetie?" The man's attention turned to me and we came behind the counter to to shake my hand.

"Hey, I'm Emilia Reinhart. It's nice to meet you too." I said with a smile. Ian laughed from behind the man and shook his head.

"I just came by to grab a couple of pizzas. We've just met tonight, but don't scare off people I bring with me Joe!" Ian teased the man.

"I didn't even introduce myself! Ian go make the pizzas, you know where everything is anyway!" He waved Ian off like it was nothing. Ian laughed and went to the sink to wash his hands. "My name is Joseph Esposito, but everyone calls me Joe. My shop is called Espo's Pies!" He continued.

"It smells amazing in here! How long have you owned it?" I asked.

"I've had this place opened for 25 years. The best pizza in New York, I promise! I used my father's recipe when he was just making them at home. I wanted to share the taste with the rest of the city." Joe continued about how he struggled at first but was able to over come them to have a successful business. He was so enthusiastic I couldn't help but just ask him more about his life here. Before I knew it Ian was holding two boxes of pizza and was waiting for me.

"Alright Joe I think you've tortured her enough. We've got hungry drunks to feed upstairs." Ian interjected.

"These pies will have them right after one bite. Go on you two have fun!" Joe shooed us out the shop. We started making our way up the stair to the apartment.

"He's a trip!" I smiled. "How did you meet him?"

"He was my parents neighbor before he moved to the city to open the shop. When he found out I was looking for a place in the city he let me stay upstairs with some of my buddies. We still pay rent, it wasn't a freebie by an means. He just had me clean it up and work for him my first year and a half in college. It helped him with work and put some money in my pocket." Ian said as he kicked open the ajar door.

The apartment opened up to a living room that flowed into a kitchen and small dining area. There was the basic necessities that were needed to fill the space. Not a whole lot of decorating, which very much fit the bachelor pad theme. The place was modern and industrial styled, giving it more of a masculine feel. There were big windows to the front that showed the city lights, making the open area light even at night. The couch was occupied by Tim who was watching TV. His attention was on the pizza as soon as the door opened.

"Great I'm starved!" Tim jumped up to grab a slice and resumed his spot on the couch. He quickly devoured the pizza.

"Was Hope too much trouble?" I asked, hoping he would tell me where she was.

"Yeah she passed out when I got her in my room. Guess she was a one and done at the bar. I took her heels off and she threw her jacket off and was knocked out. I was gonna crash on the couch for the night." He said to reassure me. I gave him a grateful smile. "Anne and Dex had a quick, loud fuck and are knocked out as well." Tim said bluntly. Ian busted out laughing while I nearly choked on my bite of pizza.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2018 ⏰

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