Before The War

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Germany 1939

It was the beginning of the war, American soldiers where lining up to fight for their country one soldier. James Buchanan 'Bucky' Barnes got into the war and was sent off to fight in the 107th Infantry Regiment. He was captured soon after leaving his friends behind. His best mate Steve Rogers will always be known in American history as one of the greatest soldier's of all time.

"I'll be back before Christmas okay? I promise," he told his two friends. That was the last time they heard of Bucky until Steve was given a super serum to get his friend back and be the face of the war. Steve did tours all over starting off small with just being in front of little kids to actually being in front of his soldier buddies. He wrote to Yasmin, a girl that he met before he became Captain America. She was the reason how he became Captain America, they were very close. He told her everything, who he was before the serum, what his dreams and ambitions where, what his friends and family meant to him, what Bucky meant to him.

Yasmin was complicated at first, always finding a reason to get out of something. But once he got to know her he realised that she wasn't complicated, she just couldn't stand most people because they always lied and cheated. It had been weeks since he last heard of Chloe, one of Bucky's friend that he left back at home. Steve had been sending letter's to her everyday and she would always reply but she hadn't in weeks, he knew something wasn't right. He walked to the captain and over heard some news about the 107th.

"James Buchanan Barnes" he said to his commander, "is he alive or dead?" Cap said again. Steve was nervous his voice breaking like pre-pubesint Tarzan as Yasmin was on her way back to camp after she had left for some reason that only she and the commander knew about. He gave the news to Cap told him that Bucky was pronounced dead. Chloe would be getting a telegram soon enough about it and Cap knew what she'd do if she did.

"Yasmin, I need you to go back to Brooklyn and I want you to find my friend Chloe, if she gets the telegram about this she'll find a way to go to Germany and she wont stop until she finds him". Cap rushed out towards a car and drove off. 


Yasmin followed her orders and did what she was told but by the time she got to Chloe's house, she was gone. A break in possibly she thought to herself. Things where everywhere. Her couch was flipped over, her awards that she'd won at school for science where ripped down from the walls, glass was shattered. Yasmin heard a slight sound from up the stairs and ran up them, it was like someone was trying to find their way out of the house. Sounds kept coming from all over the house but Yasmin couldn't find a source for where they came from. A glass bottle fell off a high shelf and Yasmin turned around she brought out a sword that seemed like it came from nowhere. Her long sleeves dissolved away and a suit came into view. She was looking at a HYDRA soldier. His helmet made him look inhuman. He held his gun up and looked at her. Her sword was form Asgard as her father Odin gave it to her on her hundredth birthday. Since she was a Goddess she never aged or died but if she was mortally wounded she could.

"Where is she?" Yasmin said to the man, she had put her sword swiftly through his waist as she glared at him.

"Du wirst sie nie finden (you'll never find her)" he said to her as he limply dropped his head as blood poured from his mouth. She roared with anger as she yanked his sword out of his stomach and went out of the house. She had to find Steve, she had to tell him about his friend.

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