Took Me By Surprise (ON HOLD)

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 I really do hope that you like this story guys. I spent a while trying to think of ideas for it. I'll promise to update weekly unless I'm busy which I inform you if I am. Please comment your opinion even if it's horrible as I do need criticism:)!


Chapter one – Chloe Charlotte’s POV

I walked out of the bathroom and began to make my way down to the narrow hallway. My hands were inside of my grey jogging bottoms in an attempt to keep them warm as the insulation to the apartment was broken. The night air was chilly making me wish I had never gotten up from under my warm covers. I slowly crept into my bedroom, making sure I didn’t make a sound as my little sister had come to stay for the weekend. Goosebumps had managed to cover my whole arms since I was only wearing a thin vest top and as soon as I was a step away from my bed, I tackled my quilt and hide underneath it.

The house was silent and the only noises were coming from my older brother in the next bedroom as he had a large snoring issue. I live by myself most of the time, but my brother and sister do stay over when they are allowed to come and visit. My father was sent to jail when I was around 11; I’m now 17 and have finished my school studies. I’ve never told anyone why my father went to jail apart from my best friend Codie. I do have other friends, but I’ve known Codie since reception. She was there when it happened, so that’s why I told her. My mother moved to a care home when I turned 14 as they said she wasn’t stable to live by herself, let alone look after three young children. After that, my sister was sent to a foster family which loves her greatly and as my brother was 17, he rented a collage dorm out. I on the other hand, was left to choose between foster care or relatives. The only reason my sister did not get the option was because she was too young to understand. I chose to live with my aunt and she took care of me until I turned 16.

I wasn’t tired so I had no intention to go to sleep, but as I was sharing a room with my sister, there wasn’t a lot I could do. I decided to lie down and just try to go to sleep, even if I didn’t want to. After five minutes of trying to do that, I got fed up as my brother’s snoring instantly became a lot louder.

I growled angrily before dragging myself out of my bed and then turning back to my bed and collecting a pillow in my hands. I then made my way to the next bedroom until I was in front of my sleeping brother. He looked so peaceful sleeping, but I didn’t care. I raised my arm with the pillow in and forcefully wacked my brother in the face.

He jumped up in shock grabbing the part of his face I had just hit. He looked up and noticed me stood there and narrowed his eyes at me.

“What the fuck did you do that for?” Nathan yelled which made me smirk.

“You were snoring so I couldn’t get to sleep,” I smiled before hitting my brother with the pillow again.

“AND THAT?” He growled.

“Oh, I got bored and decided to hit you.” I giggled at my brother's hateful galre before turning to the door. Before I walked out of the room, I looked over my shoulder and said, “So please be quiet my dear brother. You’ll wake Casey up if you don’t.”

I then gracefully skipped out of the room and back to my bedroom. When I arrived where I wanted to go, I quickly jumped back into bed and placed my pillow back in its original place. I then snuggled under my covered and replaced my head on my pillow. I turned my head slightly and removed one of my hands from under the cover to retrieve my teddy bear, Mr Snooks. I wrapped both my arms around him and then closed my eyes, drifting off into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2013 ⏰

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