Still Bleed Red

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In the human plane, the Demon Black Market existed so that the demons currently residing there could get their hands on any number of seedy and likely illegal items. The market had another function on the demon side, however, and this purpose is what allowed it to operate with relative impunity. Lackeys of the Demon Lord, known as Enforcers, were more than happy to turn a blind eye in favor of keeping a steady inflow of what the Demon Lord and other demons coveted. And what they wanted, more often than not, were exotic pets.

The human slavers could procure any human a business specified, selecting such characteristics as hair color, eye color, basic body shape, age, and any number of other traits. There were also large batches of unspecified pets sent to the Plains, a group of humans who had not yet been bought and would be displayed as available for purchase.

It was with this in mind that the Demon Lord walked through the market exuding rage and power, trailed by his five sons. While many pets were designated for harems or pleasure houses, to have a personal pet was a luxury few could afford. It was also a luxury he had purchased for his sons three times over.

This would be the last time. He'd made damn sure of that.

Their pets had an unfortunate habit of going missing, and so far, the application of fists, knives, and brands had not been enough to dissuade them from allowing it to happen. Raestrao bore permanent whip marks from the loss of his second pet. Aomaris had been water boarded until drowning and brought back to life for his third. Nothing seemed to get through to them. He wondered if he'd have to get more creative with his tortures, use some of the techniques he generally saved for the disposable girls in the harem, but he hesitated. These were his heirs, after all. They meant SOMETHING to him.

He suspected the idiots were somehow sending them back to the human plane, but they covered for each other and it was impossible to catch one in the act. Now though, he had those fuckers right where he wanted them. They would have their human pets and he knew, this time, the threat was strong enough to make them keep what he gave them.

Which was why, as loathe as he was to permit it, Izroul had been allowed on this outing. The Demon Lord bared his teeth as he remembered why the boy was here, but he continued onward towards his goal anyway. The Bastard would be receiving his own pet.

No demon had ever wanted to touch Izroul. The runt had survived on kitchen scraps and familial affection for a time, but as his sons grew older, their appetites grew bigger. Izroul had begun to starve.

He still ate food from the kitchens, but as an incubus without sexual energy, he was always sick and always weak. The Demon Lord waited eagerly for the day the boy would die. He would have killed the boy himself if not for his other sons. They loved him.

Love. The Demon Lord sneered as they approached the pets on display. Love was not for their kind.

Izroul's brothers, the only demons who would get near him, could not provide him the kind of energy he needed to survive. They were desperate and the Bastard was dying. And finally, FINALLY fucking a son into his favorite Harem girl was going to get him something other than shame and rage.

Raestrao had come to the Demon Lord with an offer: give the youngest boy a pet, allow him what he needed in order to live, and the pets wouldn't disappear anymore. Give him a home, his heir had pleaded, four walls to call his own and a being to sate his hunger with, and his other sons would fall in line.

Part of him had wanted to wrap his hands around his eldest's neck and squeeze until the boy's eyes popped from his sockets and he bit his fucking tongue off. Raestrao had all but admitted that all of the brothers had let their pets go and that was unacceptable.

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