Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

        I walk slowly around the small camp that is dangerously close to the cabin that I've been staying in for the past few weeks. I knew his search party was close but I didn't really know they had gotten this close. Five males, all looking to be in their early 20's sleep peacefully under the stars by a dimly lit fire. As cute and as kind as they may look to the outside world, I happen to know the truth behind them. And that looks are often deceiving. They have been following me for quite some time, oblivious to the fact that I have been sending them on a wild goose chase. Of course now they have gotten a little too close for comfort. 

        Walking over I quietly sit down and examine some of the items they have brought with them. Each guy has one largely stuffed back-pack and a sack that I assume is full of food. One man, the eldest looking is carrying a case with a lock on it. I gently slide the case out of his grasp in order to examine it further. He moves slightly and I immediately freeze out of instinct waiting for him to wake up, but to my luck he doesn't. 

        I move over to the fire with the case in my hand. I sit down and try to open the damn thing but the lock on it need tools that I don't have at the moment. The fire blazes and the warmth radiates onto my body, I relish in its warmth and close my eyes. Another one of the guys moves but I don't move just continue to sit with my eyes closed. I'm probably being careless and stupid but I didn't learn self-defence for entertainment. Sometimes I liked putting it to good use, and since these men were hunting me I didn't mind using it on them if need be.

        A fall breeze rustles the trees and causes the flames from the fire to dance around my feet. The late November winds are colder than last year's and it causes goosebumps to rise on my arms. I look back down to the case next to me. I can always take it back to the cabin and try and open it there. Sure it's not mine to take but I have no problem stealing, being on the run sometimes calls for desperate measures. Immediately I think of my father and how he would disapprove. He was one of those people that believed in relying on yourself and not to take from anyone. Considering my situation I only pray he would forgive me in some of the things I do. I find myself so caught up in the memories that I almost forget where I am sitting. That is almost

        That's when I feel the presence behind me, the tingle in my spine, the hairs on my neck stand at attention. A large blanket is thrown on my body followed by warm large arms. Great, should've left once I had the case. I crane my neck to the side to see all five guys up and looking straight at me. How the hell did they even wake up, I didn't even make any noise. I pinch my nose and make a sound that expresses my frustration. I notice my captor is the oldest looking boy around 25, exactly four years older than me. He pauses from doing anything and just looks at me his face blank of all emotions. I try my best to push all thoughts of how attractive he is to the back of my mind and take my cue. That cue being to fight and get the hell out of here.

        Once I begin the struggle that is when all five guys kick into action and start to force me on my back. I'll admit they were pretty strong and they successfully got me laying down. They tried talking to me and telling me to calm down, they were trying to sooth me with gentle touches here and there. Unfortunately I wasn't buying any of it and continued to kick and punch at any part of them in reach. Then just out of the corner of my eye I see something shiny reflect due to the light of the full moon. A needle probably with a sedative. I look over to see the case opened with needles and other various liquids, bandages, and the works. So that's what was in the case, drugs and medical supplies for me if they ever caught me. That is smart planning on their part, now I have to do mine and figure out a smart plan to get out of here.

        Then it clicks, in self-defense classes they taught us if our opponent was stronger than us we could trick them and attack that way. So I let my body relax and I acted like I was giving up. They waited for a moment to see if I was genuinely done fighting them and they backed off. So I calmly stand up and brush myself off doing my best to not smile and look natural. Then I spin on my heels and I push pass the boys roughly while running as fast as I could go. I immediately felt my heart rate increase, my heart pounding the sound ringing in my ears. It took them a moment to realize what just happened but when they did they were running after me. It didn't take them long to catch up to me and they were nipping at my heels.

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