Chapter 1: "Belle Âme"

Start from the beginning

'What the hell is his problem?' Yaunna thought.

After finishing, she went to the cabinet and put back the duster when the door slides, revealing their professor.

"Alright, enough of the cleaning," he's walking to the table and put down his things. "Ms. Ackerman, I'm impressed. Thank you for supervising the room while I was gone."

"No worries, sir." Yaunna sat beside Shaun.

Yaunna can't help but glance at Shaun as he usually says good job after cleaning, but this time he doesn't. He was grumpy and kind of pissed off.

No one knows why. But she just set it off before focusing on their studies.


Yaunna was having trouble talking to Shaun all this time. Their classes are dismissed and they were finally getting out of hell.

"Shaun." Yaunna finally pronounced. "Hey, drummedhead."

"What?" He asks, annoyed.

"You got a problem?" Yaunna guessed as they walk away from their campus.

Shaun didn't answered but his face howling. He's cute when annoyed. Yaunna can't even deny that fact.

She sighed before taking his wrist to her hand. "Let's go to the convenience store and buy something sweet."

Yaunna grabbed him and ran away from the streets to the nearest 7/11. Shaun's face lit up, he's like the girl in their friendship and Yaunna seemed like the badass ones.

They reached the store and bought some ice cream. Not a coned ice cream but a littered box that they'll share together.

They were sitting on a table, eating their ice cream when Shaun broke the silence.

"Why do you suddenly treated me an ice cream?" He ask, wiping his messy lips with a tissue.

"So you can talk?" Yaunna responds with sarcasm.

"So you just treat me to talk?" Shaun was disappointed.

"Nah," she shrugs. "You looked ugly when you're sad. I'm not in the mood to see your face like that."

"Seriously?" Shaun took a mouthful of ice cream on his mouth. "Anyway, thanks."

"As always."

They ate in silence until they consumed it. Not caring if their stomach aches.

"(Y/n)? Have you heard of Belle âme?" Shaun asked, making Yaunna choke in her water, hearing the French word.

"W-what?" She stuttered.

"The YouTube Music Vlogger," Shaun throws the dirty tissue in the near trash. "I watched her videos yesterday and she was amazing! She had a ash gray hair but no one have seen her eyes! She covers it like our parents does back when perform! I also heard that she was a fan of Flugel der Freiheit and-"

"Alright, I've heard enough of that 'Belle âme'," Yaunna wipes her lips due to the water slightly spilled, muttering "Ugh, unpleasant."

"I wanted to see her next video...
" Shaun was audibly down. "I saw her last one was four months ago before she's gone and didn't made a video again. I didn't know if she knew her cover was gone viral a few weeks ago. I hope she'd consider her fans requests."

Yaunna was stunned... and felt a deep pang in her heart before grabbing his wrist.

"Let's go home, it's already seven in the evening. Our parents must be pretty worried." Yaunna pulled him out before walking to their homes separately when they've reached Rose Residences.

"See you, tomorrow." Shaun smiled to her before she nods.

As she walk down their street, she sighed and took a deep breath.

Yaunna returned home safely as she caught her mother cooking dinner.

"Hey, mom." She put her bag down. "I'm home."

(Y/n) turned seeing her daughter in deep thought. (Y/n) thought it was the time to make her favorite course.

"Oh hon, how was school?" (Y/n) ask her fifteen year old daughter that just turned three months ago.

"Nothing new." Yaunna answered, before asking. "Where's dad?"

"Oh, he's coming home." (Y/n) responds, getting something from the fridge and giving it to Yaunna.

"What's this, mom?" Yaunna asked before opening it.

"I just want to make you feel better... you seemed down. Something's wrong?" (Y/n) smirk, she can tell if her daughter is upset.

It was a box of their favorite chocolate glazed cookies. Yaunna sat on the bar stool and faced her mom across.

"Mom... you remember my video?" Yaunna asked.

"The one I liked in your YouTube channel?" (Y/n) chuckles as she remember Yaunna begging for you to give it a thumbs up.

"Y-yeah..." Yaunna scratches her nape, her long (h/c) flows. "No one knows it was me, except for you and dad. Right?"

"Uh, huh." (Y/n) munches her cookie. "Is there something happened with that video?"

"Yes..." Yaunna's voice lowered. "I uploaded it four months ago. Before my birthday. I didn't know it's gone viral and I seemed so down that no one notices it was just the person they're facing. Even Shaun. He likes the cover so much. But I couldn't get myself to tell him it was me."

"It's okay," a familiar monotone voice was heard as Yaunna turned to see her father came home. "I know you want to hide your identity because you thought your singing sucks. But look at how it turned out. People seemed to love your voice, hon."

Levi kisses his daughters forehead before walking to (y/n) and giving her a sweet kiss on the lips before hugging her from behind.

Yaunna was feeling awkward around this time but continue anyway.

"But Shaun told me he wants to see Belle's next video... I also heard it from mostly everyone at school." Yaunna, sighs.

"Then do what makes you feel like your sharing your talent," (y/n) explained. "It doesn't matter, if they didn't know who's Belle. If you still feel uncomfortable singing with lots of people seeing you, no one forces you to reveal yourself. Just sing along with how does people knew Belle- the angelic voiced in a blindfold and do what makes you happy."

Yaunna, smiles lightly before nodding her head.

"O-okay..." she pursed her lips. "I'll go ahead to my room."

Levi walks to his daughter before ruffling her hair. "Good girl."

Yaunna giggles before heading off to her room.

"She was as stubborn as you." (Y/n) said.

"What?" Levi walked to her before tickling (y/n) everywhere.

"H-hey! Haha!" She tried to push him away but Levi's grip was really tight. "S-stop! Hahaha!"

"I'll stop if you kiss me." Levi requires.

"N-not untik you stop!" (Y/n) was laughing and squealing as her voice echoed through the kitchen halls.

"Then I'm not stoppi-"

That is when (y/n) made Levi stop by crashing her lips to him giving him a passionate kiss. Levi smirks between the kiss and slowly removed his glasses not breaking their lips apart.

He wraps his arms around her waist and pulled his wife closer. (Y/n) snaked her arms on his neck, grabbing some of his luscious locks, pulling the kiss more deep.

"Mom, where did you put my-!" Yaunna appeared, eyes widened before turning her back. "I think I remember where I put it"

Yaunna went back upstairs while whispering something to herself.

(Y/n) laughs at Levi and Yaunna's reaction before pinching Levi's nose bridge.

"I'm not done with you, (y/n)." Levi tickled her again before they finally stop or else it'll lead into something more.

To be continued...

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