Rock-A-Bye Baby

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Neither of them could really believe what had happened. The ride home from the doctor's office was silent and tensed. It wasn't that the two didn't want to talk about it, it was because they couldn't. They couldn't talk about the miscarriage of their first child. It would hurt them too much. Of course, it was the only thing on their mind though. How could it not be? A miscarriage. The worst thing that could happen to an expecting couple or a couple in general. When Eric and Alan got home, the brunette rushed inside immediately and was quick to hide himself in the bathroom as tears began to run down his cheeks at a painstakingly fast pace. The small reaper locked the door and curled up in a corner of the bathroom. He clutched his stomach as he closed his eyes and let sobs begin to rake through his small body. Eric bit his lip when he heard the sobs coming from the bathroom and carefully he went to open the door, only to find that it was locked and his heart dropped. Tears began to well up in Eric's eyes as he tried his hardest to stay strong for his lover. Someone had to in order for them to both continue to function.

"Alan," he said gently, voice shaking. "C'mon, darlin', please come out." There wasn't an answer, there was only the soft sobbing from Alan on the other side of the door. Eric couldn't blame his lover, though. The loss of their unborn child was going to be terribly hard on the both of them.

On the other side of the door, Alan was already bleeding heavily due to the Thorns. He ignored the pain, though, and he didn't bother cleaning up the blood that leaked from his wrists and ankles. He bit down hard on his bottom lip. He was breaking, slowly but surely. How could this happen? How could he have a miscarriage? He thought he was doing everything right. Where did he go wrong? All he wanted was a baby but he couldn't have one. He messed up. Gently he ran a gentle hand across his stomach before he let out a loud whimper, an unbearable pain surging through his heart.

"R-Rock-a-bye baby o-on the tree top," Eric closed his eyes tightly when he heard the shakily sung lullaby from the other side of the door. "W-When the wind blows, the cradle w-will rock.."

"Alan, please.." He whispered. Knowing Alan was in even more pain was unbearable. The Scotsman legs shook slightly as he suddenly found it hard to support his own weight and he leaned against the bathroom door, letting tears openly stream down his face. "Please, please come out.. Please.."

"When the b-bough breaks, th-the cradle will f-f-fall.."

Eric clutched his chest as he felt his heart ache. A miscarriage. They were so excited to have a baby. They had began building the nursery, looking into purchasing cribs, and Eric had found Alan some maternity dresses; but the baby was gone. They're little light was gone, blown out by the cold winds of fate. The both of them knew they could try again but first they had to get past this traumatizing event and when the time came they would have to get around the fear of another miscarriage. It was going to effect them one way or another; whether they would try for another baby or not.

"Alan, please come out." The Scotsman whimpered. "Please..."

"A-And down will come b-baby, c-cradle and a-all."

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