Chapter Three: No less Awkward...

Start from the beginning

I could feel my heart rate go up and I quickly said thank you and goodbye to Garcia before calling Hotch.

“Hotchner.” He replied once the call got through.

“Yeah I know your name, look the point is we got a real good suspect from Garcia. He got out of a mental institution recently and lost his job and a store due to yelling at a couple, after that he dropped off the grid. Garcia is sending you the information but his name is Luis Trevilla. Garcia is trying to locate his house, maybe he stops there for food and rest, but the point is we actually have a decent suspect and I’m happy about that so be happy that I’m happy please.” I said in one quick breathe, resembling Garcia.

I heard dad chuckle on the other end.

“You put me on speaker.” I mumbled slightly annoyed.

“Yeah he did princess.” Dad said from the other end, still laughing.

Princess was the nickname he had taken to giving me since we got to know each other and our past. I actually like it, though it defeats the whole ‘independent girl’ thing I’m trying to continue.

“Alright I’m happy, so Garcia sent us his information and it says he lives at 12 Windom Lane and Casio.” Hotch replied giving us the man’s house address.

“Alright we’ll check it out we are hardly a mile away alright?” I said into the phone.

“Fine but be careful, all of you.” Hotch said.

“Be safe princess, and remember, he’s psychotic, he won’t see reason so don’t try and make him.” Dad told me sounding more wise than usual.

“Alright I’ll remember that. Bye.” I said before hanging up the phone.

“What was that?” JJ asked from behind me.

“We got an address and I told them we’d check it out since we just need to make a right turn up her and we’ll be there.” I replied pointing out in front of us so we could turn at the right time.

Emily nodded and we turned and parked in front of his house, it was hardly kept up with and the grass was dry and a crispy brown. Even if I was insane I’d at least try and look normal.

We didn’t find him at his house, and it looked like no one has been in it for at least a month. This means he’s going to kill tonight, and we’ve got to be there when he does. We all went back to the station after we searched the house and found they were having about as much luck as us.

“The house was clear, which means he hasn’t been eating. He’s probably going to have malnutrition and he’s going to kill tonight and probably exhaust himself.” Emily said to Hotch and the others as we entered.

“We should try splitting up based on the geological profile. I mean if he could be anywhere in this general area,” I said pointing at a small store and club area “then we need to be ready if he decides to make a move.” I finished looking at the map and turned to find Hotch was deep in thought.

“Hotch,” dad called, “she’s right, we don’t have very many options left.” Dad supported me.

Hotch looked around the room of us and said, “Fine, me and Prentiess will head to this street.” Hotch said pointing to Columns Groove Dr.

“I want Morgan and JJ to head to Goose Burrow, and Kenedy and Reid will head to Jacobson St. Alright is everyone okay with the arrangements?” he said turning to us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2014 ⏰

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