Our friendship : Chapter 19

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-- 1 month later --

I wake up, I look around at my familiar childhood room. The purple walls, the stars on the ceiling. When I look at the time, the clock reads 10:27. This past month or so I have been getting great sleep and my baby bump is already starting to come out.

I walk out of my room and down the hall to the kitchen of my parents house, and they aren't awake yet.

I hear a knock on the door. I usually am not answering their door but they are asleep so I can't argue.

I walk up and turn the handle, swinging the door open only to find a person who is making me stay here.

"Hello Tobias." I say with a certain annoyance in my voice.

"Casey.. please forgive me, I'm so sorry."

"Really? I'm a month in and now you want to say sorry?"

"Yes, I want to raise our child together."

"Well," I say. I'm at a loss of words. "You can't even if you want to. Your an alcoholic and I'm..."

"Your what?" He asks me angry now.

"I'm getting an abortion." I say lying.

My main reason was that he was an alcoholic and drank and worked to much, but I knew he would just say he would change his ways and have me typed around his finger again.

"Oh, well... Have fun with your new life here, and I hope it's good for you."

"Thank you, it really is."

He starts to walk away but turns around and comes up to me. I close the door because I knew something like this would happen.

"The only reason I started drink was because of you!" He yelled at me.

"Don't yell at me!! I still have a child and even though it's inside me, I'm pretty sure it can here you yelling!!" I yelled at him.

"Don't talk to me like that!!" He screamed at me. I started to cry. I hated this, us fighting.

Then he does something unforgivable, he slaps me. He slaps me hard. I'm on my knees, crying and holding my face. I don't know how but I find the strength to get up.

"Tobias," I say weakly. Im trying to come off strong but right now I think my strong is weak. "You need....you need to...leave."

"Fine. But don't ever come back!" He yells at me.

He walks to his car and he drives off. Just what I need, a dead beat dad.

I just sit down on the porch and cry. There is nothing I can do about it. I hate him right now.

I hear a door open but it's not mine so I don't worry to much about it. I just sit here and sob and sob and cry out in pain. I feel some fingers touching my shoulder. I jump lightly and give a little screech. I look up.

* Jacob's POV *

I walk outside into the beautiful morning air, getting the paper as usual for my parents, I'm visiting here for a week. I know that these are elder homes, so I know it's okay to walk out here without a shirt on, it doesn't bother me too much if elders look, they're married or to old for me.

I look over across my parents yard to the sound of crying. And not an elder crying, a girl, around my age.

I walk up to her to find that she really is crying. I throw the paper into my yard and run up to her silently. I barely touch my fingers to here shoulder and she jumps a little with a high pitch screech. She looks up and into my eyes, and she is beautiful.

She had this long black hair with some blonde above her ear, her body small and fragile, her eyes a bright green, and then a small bump on her stomach.

"Are you okay?" I ask her as nicely as I can.

"Yes," She says standing up and whipping her tears away. "I'm fine."

"Okay, I just wanted to make sure, you looked hurt."

Her eyes scan my body as mine do to hers. It wasn't an awkward or an acknowledged exchange, but we both did it. "I am hurt." She said as our eyes met again.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

She gives me a small smile and looks down at the ground.


Okay guys so that was the last chapter. It has been a crazy emotional ride with them, an he's a stupid alcoholic boyfriend who left and left again. Sorry about the "spouse" abuse.

Thank you everyone for reading, your amazing and all the love goes to you guys.

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