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I spent my day with my bestfriend, Sage. I know how much she needs me right now, her heart is shattered. And although I can't mend it, I'll make sure to be with her when she needs me.

My boss's voice still kept on bugging me the whole day, Sage seemed to notice it but I told her it's nothing.

Did she mean it? I hope not.

"Thank you," was all she said before enveloping me into a tight embrace.

She's fine, for now. But she won't be completely fine, not until the three of them talked.

"I'm always here for you, Sage." I mumbled. Gently carressing her hair, as I speak.

Sage walked inside her house and waved at me goodbye for the last time. She closed her door slowly, a small smile still on her face.

Full of thoughts, I decided to take a walk. I seemed to not belong in the issue, but I still failed to escape out of it. Why? I don't know either.

I started crying loudly, sitting on this cold hard pavement in this empty street. The moon illuminated the night, shining brightly over my broken self.

"Be strong, Sally." I whispered to myself.

"You only have yourself to back you up," I stood up and calmed myself down. Wiping away the tears and tidied myself up.

After a few minutes of walking my phone suddenly rang.

Arson is calling...

I sighed and answered it, "Arson." I greeted.

"Sally, I fucked up." He muttered, his voice is breaking. I'm glad you know.

"Can you please explain why did that happened?" I whispered, trying not to sound angry at him.

"Can you come over?" He asked. I then smiled gently, and answered him.

"I can, but please do me a favor."

"What is it?"

"Please don't break your promise," I whispered and I heard him sigh. Arson and I made a promise, to make him not self-harm. Knowing his vulnerable state, I think I can already see him holding a box full of blades contemplating on doing it or not.

"I-i'll try," he then said before hanging up the call.

Walking my way towards his house, I began contemplating about everything again.

I remembered the day when we first met, Arson approached me because he wants my help. Why? Because he likes my best friend, Sage. As we get to hang out more, my feelings for him then began to grow. I never really planned to tell him because I can really see that he loves her so much. It tortured me, every night, that him and I only got close because he wants Sage.

Then they got together, and I can't seem to erase the thought of them in joy out of my head. His eyes glimmered in delight, while hers is filled with admiration.

Arson and I then grew closer, that he'd constantly tell me that I'm one of the most important person in his life, that he don't know what he'll do without me. He doesn't know it, but he's playing with my feelings. He trusts me so much that he kept on reminding me I probably know him more than he knows himself. It brought me joy, but then hurt will come flooding back right after. He's always giving me false hopes, at every compliment and sweet word that rolls off of his tongue like butter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2018 ⏰

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