She sighed and closed her eyes. "What are we going to do if anyone finds out about him? The minute they see his marks they'll think he's been cursed by the gods."

Her husband kissed her temple. "Don't worry, we hide them well. I've managed to keep mine a secret for all these years, haven't I?"

"Well, yes..."

"Then what are you worried about? Sleep now, we have lots to do tomorrow."

They both settled back against the pillows and were soon sleeping soundly.

The next morning was a bustle of getting dressed, eating a hurried breakfast and then preparing to go to the marketplace.

"Jai! Get your hand out of that jelly pot! Alistair, could you grab him please?"

Alistair hurried to fulfill his father's request, scooping his little brother up, he wiped the jelly off his hand and scolded him. "Jai, you know you're not supposed to eat the jelly straight out of the pot."

Jai threw his little hands in the air, opening his blue eyes wide he spoke in gibberish for a few moments.

Novah finished fastening the last of his vest's buttons and relieved Alistair of Jai. "Alistair go get your shirt on, we need to keep your marks hidden."

Alistair trudged over to where his shirt had been left overnight to dry and began tugging the loose white fabric on over his head. "I don't see why I have to hide them." He said, his voice slightly muffled.

"Because people wouldn't understand, that's why I keep mine hidden. You'll understand when you're older."

His head popped through the top of his shirt. "But I'm already older."

His father smiled and ruffled his curls lovingly. "Six isn't exactly the age I had in mind. I'll explain everything to you when you turn ten, how does that sound?"

Alistair pouted slightly. "Sounds like that's a long time."

Novah laughed. "It'll go by faster than you think. Come on, your mother is ready to go to the market place."

Alistair held tightly to his father's hand as they entered the market place. It was crowded as usual, and he was always afraid of getting lost in the crowd.

His mother held Jai on her hip, the bright colored scarf on her head helping him keep sight of her as she flitted from one cart to another, checking all the merchant's wares.

His father was more steady, slowly moving through the crowd with ease, people flowing on either side of him respectfully. People always seemed to grow quiet and more friendly when his father was around, Alistair guessed it was because of his father was taller than most men, and very strong.

He remembered his mother once told him it was also because his father was wise, and gave people advice when they asked for it.

"Look out!"

Alistair gasped in shock as his father suddenly ducked down and covered Alistair with his body. He felt his father shudder as debris landed on his strong back, then he felt the heat.

"Alistair! I need you to hold onto my neck tightly, do you understand son?"

Alistair nodded and quickly clung to his father's neck.

"Don't let go." His father stood up and shoved the burning debris aside, holding Alistair with one thick arm, he turned in a quick circle. "Nala! Nala where are you!" 

Alistair held onto his father tightly, looking over his shoulder for his mother's bright colored scarf. "Daddy she's over there!" He pointed to where he spotted her huddled under a cart, clutching Jai tightly. 

"Nala stay there, I'm going to come get you!"

Alistair hid his face against his father's shoulder closing his eyes tightly to shut out the terrible sight, trying to close his ears to the sound of panicked screams and running feet. He was able to pick out a few shouts. 

"What happened?"

"Someone put the fire out!"

"It just exploded!"

"Who put a flame near the wine stand?"

Alistair opened his eyes when he heard his mother's voice.

"Alistair! Novah! Thank the gods you're alright!"

Novah pulled her into his arms and turned to face the chaos in the streets. "We need to get away from the marketplace...alright, stay close to me." Keeping a tight hold of Alistair, and holding his wife close to his side, he pushed into the street. "Everyone, stay calm and follow me!"

Alistair remembered being carried past the flames, hearing more screams and panicked shouts for help. He remembered choking on the thick smoke beginning to billow everywhere, and finally being set down in the soft sand just outside of the town.

His mother dropped down beside him and pulled him to her, tears streaming down her cheeks, whether from fear or the smoke, he didn't know.

Novah turned to Nala and held her shoulders. "I have to go get everyone out."

Her eyes widened, but before she could protest, he had placed a kiss against her lips and dashed back into the town. So she sat and waiting, holding her children tightly to her.

Alistair stared at the burning village with terror in his eyes.

"Don't be scared, darling...your father will get everyone out safely."

Alistair shook his head. "That's not why I'm scared."

She frowned slightly. "Then why are you scared?"

He turned to look up at her. "Because this is what my dream was about."

Guardian of the SandsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz