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There's a void in me
Filled with blackness
And pain.

The salt from my tears
Stings the cuts you opened
In my heart.

My mind screams as I see
Others smiling, holding hands
Falling in love.

I'm starting to think the concept
To be fake and beyond me
I don't believe.

I need someone to change my mind
To sew the cuts in my heart
Stop the tears
Fill the void.

But how can I let another fix me
When I myself don't know
if I actually can be fixed.

I'm lost and hurting inside.
I'm worried and anxious.
I wish I could forget it all and
Live in the clouds.

Maybe the perfect someone would wonder up there with me
and can live together.

Away from the demented world bellow
Maybe the whiteness from the clouds
Would seep into the darkness in me.
Would lighten my soul.

One can only wish.
One can only dream.

So The Clouds FallWhere stories live. Discover now