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The pale light of morning crept into Margaret's bedchamber, its very presence bringing her gently into consciousness and as she opened her eyes she saw that its muted ethereal glow had thrown a gossamer veil over the walls and furniture of the room. Beyond the window she could hear the faint sound of the wind blowing across the mill-yard, reminding her afresh of how different the climate was and how much cooler the weather to that which she had become used to in London. Even its air, soured by the smoke which streamed into it, was damp - something that was considered, her father had once told her, quite conducive to the manufacture of cotton.

She did not lie long in bed upon waking, her mind and body too restless for such inertia. Instead, she almost immediately threw back the covers and swung her feet towards the floor. As she glanced across the room towards the mantel where the clock ticked to an unobtrusive rhythm, she saw that it was still quite early, even though most of Milton's populous would have already begun their work for the day. Espying the prolific heap of petticoats and the corset that lay in wait for her upon the chair, she decided that she would start to get dressed rather than wait for Dixon to come. After the almost perpetual sluggishness which had dogged her sojourn with her aunt, she felt the overwhelming need to stretch her legs and to feel once again the freedom of being able to go for a walk without concerning herself with the fact that she must be accompanied by a footman.  When Dixon came bustling purposefully into the room with a jug of fresh water for her toilette some short while later, she had already donned the first of five petticoats, so eager was she to be outside.

"I'm surprised to see you up at this early hour, Miss Margaret," Dixon remarked, swiftly depositing the ewer upon the chest of drawers and moving immediately to help Margaret with her clothes.

"I thought that I would go for a walk,“ Margaret responded, stealing herself against what would inevitably be a thorough disapproval of her intentions.

“Oh Miss Margaret, it is far too early for walking!” Dixon chastised, as Margaret knew she would, as she began to lace the back of her corset with long-learnt proficiency. She shook her head reprovingly. “The streets are no place for you at this hour.”

“I shall be careful, Dixon. And besides, much of Milton is already at work and has been for the past two hours. The streets will not be empty.”

“What about your breakfast? You’re surely not thinking of walking around Milton without food in your stomach?”

“I will eat something upon my return,” Margaret replied, her stubborn resolve rearing up to squash Dixon's efforts to dissuade her..

Dixon’s lips tightened in ill-concealed disdain, although she appeared no less diverted from venturing her own opinion. “And what do you think the master will say when he finds out about you taking yourself off? Have you thought of that, Miss Margaret? I’m sure he won’t be very happy!”

“If you are trying to dissuade me, Dixon, it will not work. I am determined to go for my walk, whether you approve or not. And as for Mr Thornton, I am sure that you will explain where I am, won’t you?”

"Didn't I hear you say something last night about Captain Lennox arriving today too?" Dixon asked, as she seized upon another impediment to spoil Margaret's plans. "What if he should arrive while you are out?"

"Oh Dixon, I shall be back before he arrives! Do not fret so!"

Dixon shook her head in doleful defeat. “Headstrong, that’s what you are, Miss Margaret. A bit too headstrong if you want my opinion!”

“Well, I didn’t ask for your opinion, Dixon - although I am sensible of your concerns and your opinions, just as I have always been.”

Dixon grunted. “Well when the master starts to complain, don’t say I didn’t warn you what his reaction would be.”

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