After some more days, Thunderlight finally got used to me coming back every single night. Eventually our vision got better and better, until we could finally fly without crashing with anything; that's why I had a sharp eye, because I trained it. We could both see perfectly well, and it made us love nighttime even more.

After that not so short story, let's go back to the present. 

We flew above the clouds with Thunderlight, we always did the same because we couldn't risk anyone seeing us from the ground, and started to dodge the usual large rocks we found every night. To make it more entertaining we created an obstacle course, which also helped with our races with Hiccup and Toothless.

 My eye then caught something moving in the distance, and I ordered my dragon to go faster so I could see clearly what it was.

We were flying some miles behind it, when I saw the familiar prosthetic wing. I only knew one dragon with that particular characteristic.

"Toothless?" I asked to myself  "What is he doing here?" the Night Fury got into the clouds and we lost sight of him. Thunderlight growled in response "Let's go find out, bud!" I ordered, and we made our way through the white, puffy cotton.

We finally got close enough, and we could see that Hiccup was on top of him, but he wasn't alone; a girl with a blonde braid was touching the clouds with her hands, while sitting behind him.

"Wait, is that-?" I narrowed my eyes "Is that Astrid?" my dragon growled again, which meant that I was right. I giggled to myself; Hiccup had finally gotten her to go on a date with him.

After following them for several minutes, several minutes in which I kept smiling like an idiot, we arrived to a place that wasn't surrounded by clouds and what I saw left me astonished:

Above us, scattered through the sky, colorful lights shone brightly, blinding us with its beauty; my mouth opened wide as I gasped in amazement.

"This is beautiful!" I exclaimed, looking at the sky and then back at Thunderlight "Why haven't we seen them before?" we had flown by that place many times, but I had never noticed they were there.

He groaned as I focused back on Hiccup and Astrid, who seemed like they were enjoying it too: Astrid was grabbing Hiccup from the waist, and he seemed quite embarrassed. I chuckled, feeling really happy for them; I had to leave them to their moment.

With one last glance at the teens and the dragon, I swooped down and focused back on my path; I would ask Hiccup about it the next day, maybe tease him a little bit too. Otherwise, what was even the point in being friends?

The next day we were doing our usual races, when I decided it was time to ask the Viking about last night. I smiled at him while leaning back on the saddle.

"So, you and Astrid, huh?" I teased. He looked at me slightly confused, but then his eyes opened wide and he looked away nervously.

"I-I don't know what you are talking about" I gave him my 'Are you serious?' stare.

"C'mon, Hic, I'm not blind, I saw you last night riding with her" he turned to look at me.

"Wait, w-were you spying on us?"

"No! Of course not, no" did he take me by some kind of crazy stalker? "Thunderlight and I were some miles behind you, guys. Remember, night flights?" he nodded, and then asked:

"How could you see us from such a distance?" I shrugged.

"Sharp eye" I smiled proudly "After riding so much at night, we got used to seeing in the dark"

"I guess that makes sense"

"So, how was it?" I asked, pointing out my first question. We had gone off topic talking about night flights.

"It was just a ride as friends" I gave him the stare again.

"Yeah, sure" I rolled my eyes as he dodged a large rock.

"Don't tell me you're jealous, 'Lex" I frowned.

"I am not jealous, I'm just...Curious about the experience. It's the first time a girl shows some kind of interest in you" I said good-heartedly.

"Hey!" he complained.

"Just kidding" I laughed as I got through a hole in one column "But, seriously this time, how was it?"

"G-good. But, she's not really my type"  was he really denying it? It was obvious!

"Then who is your type, oh great Dragon Master?" I asked playfully.

"I-I don't know...More calm and peaceful girls, I guess" I nodded, understanding. 

"Astrid may be a lot of things, but she isn't the peace type of person" I pointed out, not in a bad way of course, not being peaceful helped most of the time; sometimes brute force was the only way to get things done.

"Exactly" he dodged a column by flying above it.

"But she could also change, you know?" I said as Thunderlight shot a blast of wind to a target located in a large rock.

"I do" he answered.

"In fact, she's already began changing when she decided to respect your decision on not telling anyone about Toothless"

"How do you know she did that?" asked Hiccup curiously.

"Well, you are here and not locked up in your house with seven keys on the door" I said simply, and he chuckled.

"Yeah, that's true" I smiled "And you're right, she can change" he added, focusing back on my argument "But still" he looked nervous. Again "I-I like another girl" the conversation had suddenly gotten more interesting.

"Really?" I asked in disbelief "Who could be better than the beautiful, determined, strong willed and amazing Astrid Hofferson?" I could see the finish line some miles ahead; I looked at him, trying to keep him occupied so I could win the race.

"There is one girl" he said with a tilt of his head.

"Who is she then?" he opened his mouth to say something, but it turned into a smirk. He had seen the finish line.

"Not gonna tell you! C'mon, bud" they rushed forward. Toothless flapped his wings with strength, so a gust of wind was blown towards us which made us lose slightly our balance. I barely manage to escape a rock column while they reached the finish line.

"Hey! That's not fair!" I complained, trying to sound angry, but Hiccup's words were still ringing in my mind.

If it wasn't Astrid, then who? 

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