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You smiled, wheeling a table in front of Yoongi.
"What is this?" he snapped, glaring at you.
He scoffed. "More like a bribe,"
"For what?"
He stayed silent after that as you gave him a plate of pasta and a knife and fork. You untied his hands then tied it round his chest and the chair.

"Th-thank you," he whispered, starting to eat.
"No problem," you smiled, walking away. "Call me when you're done."


It was the evening and the boys were all tired from crying and being outside putting up posters. The police had come and had taken some DNA to examine. They went back to the police station and they said they would call in the morning for who took him.

"I'm having an early night tonight," said Jimin, yawning and heading to his room.
"I will too,"
"Me too," there were murmurs from the other boys as they went to their rooms, and Namjoon and Seokjin to their shared one.

They all dropped straight off to deep sleeps but not Jimin; he lay awake, thinking about Yoongi. He got out of bed and climbed into Yoongi's, sighing and falling straight asleep, the scent on the bedsheets slightly soothing him.


6 months later

Yoongi didn't bother to look up.
"Look at me Yoongi," you ordered firmly.
He sobbed and stayed quiet.
"YOONGI!" you grabbed his chin and lifted his head up.
"Keep hold of me..." he whispered, crying.
"I can't," you replied, letting him go. Over six months, you had been nice, bribed him with food and sort of made him slightly insane.

You heard a banging on a door from another room and you groaned, going to answer it. You felt yourself being pushed down and pinned painfully to the ground. You heard Yixing yell then scream from Yoongi's room and before your eyes was Yoongi being carried out.

"Goodbye," he said, being shoved into a car.
You kicked the police's leg and managed to get up.
"JUST GO, GO!" shouted one, unpinning Yixing as they all ran out.




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