Chapter 8: Upside Down (Luna's POV)

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"So you two are engaged?" JK was in total shock. I knew it would come to this since Tae-Tae is drunk.

"Our parents decided on that. However, we still have the last call." I stated for them to have a clue.

"But why?" Jimin suddenly asked. "I mean I didn't want to intrude but why would your parents want you to marry someone you don't love in the very beginning."

"Well you see Jimin, my sister is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) which is good for business. While Hyung is a doctor which also needs a CPA" Tae-Tae suddenly butted in. He was laughing at his own joke. Oh, this brat.

"Tae, manners please." I reminded him. Patience is a virtue. "Saranghae Noona." He smiled brightly at me. I closed my eyes. Yeah whenever he's like that, I'm done. He knows my weaknesses.

There was a dead silence. I could feel their anticipation, their demand for the questions they had in their minds. Gosh, why does Tae has to open up about the two topics I'm not comfortable sharing with anyone I barely knew? I started scratching my temple and there was Namjoonie who held my hand to stop me from hurting myself again. "Don't." He said. That simple word reminded the important thing. Yes, my Psychiatrist is here. I smiled at him briefly. "Cut your nails regularly. If not, I will appoint Yoongi to do it on your behalf." There was firmness in his tone. Then again I just smiled. I doubt he will actually do that. Hmph~!

"Excuse me. It was said that you are a Psychiatrist. Does that mean you are Luna's?" Hobi wasn't able to finish his sentence. They kept on checking on me. My feelings, my reactions. Every move I make, their eyes followed. "It's okay Hobi. I'm not offended." I fought back the tears trying to cloud my eyes. It's so hard to admit that I require a professional help and I couldn't stand on my own. What the hell is happening to me?

"Yes, Joonie is my Psychiatrist." I stated. And there they were again waiting for more information to be spilled out. I guess it can't be helped. I need to tell them a bit more about it.

"So you want to know which story?" I asked. "I want to know why you are engaged to Yoongi-hyung and how and when did it happen?" JK was the first one to ask.

"To make the story short, our parents are best buds since elementary days and until now. Thus, they all agreed that their future son or daughter will marry the other's future daughter or son." I explained.

"You really hate adding some extra lines to a story, don't you?" Hobi suddenly commented. "She only says whatever is important to know. That's what she also did when she was teaching me the process in Vendor Maintenance Team." He's literally complaining. I couldn't help but laugh out loud. "I'm sorry." I blurted out in between my laughs.

"But why is the two of you not getting yet married?" Hobi asked. His dimples were clearly visible.

"Yoongi, do you want to answer?" I called out to him. Help me, Yoongi-ah~!

"I have a girlfriend." He said as he looked away. And the newbies were astounded. "You know Noona, I don't like hyung's artificial girlfriend. That's why I want you to marry him ASAP." Oh gosh, Tae is at it again. I need to take him home ASAP.

"Excuse me. What do you mean by an artificial girlfriend?" Jimin inquired. "Simple, I don't really have a girlfriend but in order not to push through the abrupt wedding, I claimed that I have a girlfriend."

"And Dr. Cassandra is the one who pretended to be Yoongi's girlfriend."

"What the hell? Why go to the lengths of that?" JK asked in a slightly pissed tone. "If you..." JK stopped mid-sentence. "Nevermind."

"I love her." Yoongi revealed and the newbies were amazed. "Yes, you heard me correctly. I love her so much, but she can't love me back because of her condition. She says its unfair to me." He shrugged. He said it. What an epic night indeed. There I was speechless with his second confession of his love for me.

"What is your 'condition,' Noona? Is it ok for you to share it?" Jimin requested politely. And there was Hobi and Tae eager to listen as always. It's not like a storybook, you know? Should I tell them or no? What should I do? I contemplated for a long moment. 

"Excuse me Jimin, bro, I guess this isn't the right time for you to ask that question." I heard Jin's voice full of worry. I started to shiver though it was humid that night. "It's okay Jin." I protested. Though I am not sure if this is the right thing to do.

"Are you sure?" Namjoon suddenly asked. "It's okay if you don't want. I won't mind it if you don't want to tell us." Jimin suddenly said. I could hear the alarm in his voice. Was he able to read in between the lines?

"Yah! Stop treating my sister as if she's a baby! Let her decide, damn it! If you keep on overprotecting her, she won't be able to move forward! My sister is not a weakling!" I could feel Tae's frustrations. I knew that keeping the result of the biopsy from him and the reason why I must have my blood checked every 3 months must have taken its toll on him. Aside from which, he was the one extracting the blood from my vein every damn time I went to the hospital.

In a flash, Yoongi punched Taehyung. "You don't know anything for you to say those words."

"How will I know if you will not tell me anything? All I know, she had her thyroid gland removed and nothing else was ever told to me." And there was Taehyung fighting back. I could see tears dashing from his eyes.

"Stop both of you!" A single tear escaped from my eye which I immediately wiped away.

"I saw your medical history and your latest blood tests Noona. I researched the consequences regarding a person without a thyroid gland and her Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) is above normal. You know what I found? If the result is above normal, you can have cancer again in your body even if it was removed in the first place." Tae said as he wiped his bloodstained lip. "Until when are you going to keep this from me?! Why are you doing this?!"He screamed on top of his lungs. His face was stained with blood, sweat, and tears. I was expecting that in some way he would be able to acquire that information. I tried to open my mouth but no words came out. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself. Breathe, relax.

"I'm sorry." Yoongi bowed his head and I could see some blood on the corner of his lips. I looked at my baby bro. "Noona... Please don't get mad." He held my hands. "Why are your hands so cold? It's humid tonight. Are you ok?"

"Let's go home. You're drunk." Of all the things I wanted to tell him, those were the only words I managed to say. I know I'm not yet ready to spill out the truth to him.

"No, I won't unless you promise me you will tell me everything." He knelt down while holding onto my hands. I could feel the tears flowing out of his eyes. My dearest baby bro, what should I do with you? "Okay, I promise." I surrendered. He's one of my weaknesses. "Share it with your colleagues too so they would know what to do just in case there will be an emergency." Tae and his tactics! But it's worth considering.

"Jin and Namjoonie please treat Tae and Yoongi's wounds." Perks of having friends with reputed doctors. "Noona, please stay beside me." Tae pleaded. Thus, I stayed beside him while Jin tended on his wound. "Noona, start your story."Tae being Tae again.

I took a deep breath and started the story.

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