The STAR of the school

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Yo, hope you like this chapter..
Idk how far i'll take this book but i hope it's far anyway enjoy.
I grabbed my bag and meet Pidge and Matt outside.

"keith, we're gonna be late again.!" Pidge groaned.
I laughed and grabbed her arm and started running.
"HEY WAIT UP!!" Matt yelled running after us.

After we got to school, Pidge went to her homeroom and Matt and I laughed all the way to ours.
About half way to our homeroom we saw Allura. She dashed by us, yelling "hey Keith, Hey Matt!!" As she ran to her homeroom.
"Hey! Slow down torpedo!!" Matt yelled at her as she ran past.
I chuckled as we entered our homeroom.
"Okay Kids.... I'm Mrs. Haggar, you homeroom teacher, please don't fight and just talk, as this is the first day of school... .and if you have homework from last year turn it into me...." The teacher said.
I felt a tap on the shoulder and I turned around. It was Lance.
"Hey" he said.
"Hey"I replied
"Name's Lance, but we've already met so... Keith right?" He asked.
I just nodded and we started to get to know each other.

*lunch time*
I walked to the lunch room and met up with Pidge, Allura and Matt..
"Hey look a karaoke box, let's sing something" Pidge said grabbing us and pulling us on stage.
Matt put in a quarter and chose the song "The Nights by Avicii"
It was my favorite song....My mother told me stories before she went to space. But every night my Dad would sing this to me before I went to sleep.
Then we began to sing.....

Pidge: once upon a younger year,
When all our shadows disappeared
The animals inside came out to play.....

Allura: when face to face with all our fears, learned our lesson through the tears, make memories we knew would never fade.....

Matt: one day my father he told me, son, don't let it slip away.
He took me in his arms,
I heard him say.......
When you get older,
Your wild heart will live for younger days. Think of me if ever you're afraid....

Me: He said, one day you'll leave this world behind, so live a life you will remember.
My father told me when I was just a child, these are the nights the never die!! My father told me...

We laughed and danced along to the instrumental solo part.

Matt: when thunder clouds start pouring down, light a fire they can't put out, carve your name into those shining stars....

Pidge: he said go venture far beyond the shores. Don't forsake this life of yours, I'll guidr you home no matter where you are....

Allura: one day my father he told me. Son don't let it slip away, when I was just a kid I heard him say....

Me: When you get older, your wild heart will live for younger days, think of me if you ever you're afraid

All of us: he said, one day you'll leave this world behind,
So live a life you will remember,
My father told me when I was just a child, these are the nights that never die, my father told me

The other students started clapping as was started dancing again

All of us again: these are the nights that never die, my father told me

Me: my father told me.

As we finished the students started clapping, which made me smile

We left the stage and went down and started eating.
Lance grabbed my arm and took me to the hall before I could sit down.

"That was amazing" He said smiling.

I blushed and smiled.

"Thanks" I said "but I'm not that good, really"

"Seriosly!" lance gasped. " you are amazing....I...I can't even I just...." He stopped mid sentance and pulled me in to a kiss.
So, that's the end of this chapter, hope you enjoyed. Things are going to get 2 different way has to do with the title of the book and the second way is just magical
....if ya know what i mean ;)

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