4 - You're Kidding, Right?

Start from the beginning

“Well with what he’s rated her I’m sure she’d be slipping down into easy territory.” Scott Eastwood had chipped in. The pig. I had self respect even if it was a little hard to tell when I was dressing as a guy, giving my friends pointers randomly on their crushes.

“Nah man she’s hot, I think Evan just couldn’t get her to sleep with him.”

Who was hot and who was easy was sometimes interesting, listening to a guy talk about it made me smile a lot of the time, it was amusing how each had a different opinion just like a girl defending her crush and his looks. However, only slightly different and now that I was the topic I couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable.

“Hey, isn’t she going to your party tomorrow night?” Jace turned to ask Chester who was now reading the article.

“Yeah man, I invited her friend Harper told her to bring her along, I was thinking about maybe asking her out show Evan how you actually treat a girl.” I wasn’t sure whether to be flattered or not. Chester had many girls swoon over him, he was a sweet guy when it came down to it, and easy on the eyes. Light mousy brown hair that had some slight texture to it, and hazel eyes. I’d personally always preferred green but if Chester was interested I wasn't going to let that hold me back from a date.

The whistle blew and coach came in with his loud clear voice. It was never a day where you couldn‘t hear him. Quiet didn‘t seem to be a word coach understood. “Why are we all still gathered around gossiping like a group of girls come on get to the gym.”

“Hey, Kyle tell me, if you were a straight guy you’d go for Alyssa right?” Dylan asked holding over the article to show a picture Evan had clearly used from last years school photos. I hated that photo more than anything.

“Definatly man, she’s hot.” I could seen Jace's lips go up into a small smile in the corner of my eye. I wasn’t going to let an opportunity to make myself look good slide.



“Have you seen this?” I demanded, waving a copy of the school article in front of Harper's face as she read a copy of her own. I couldn’t believe he had actually gone through with writing the article. Although I had managed to remain calm throughout gym I was able to relieve stress by running two start up laps and throwing a ball rather aggressively towards team mates. Now however I was able to vent.

“Who even thinks of writing articles like these?” Harper asked. “Gosh, only a 2? Babe I’m sorry but when you called to tell me you had a date I thought you’d at least be going with someone, well nice and decent.”

“Do you know what’s worse is that my mom is apparently friendly with them both and she’s probably going to be all like ‘did you see Evan today?’ and I will have to tell her what a toe-rag he is, she’ll then try get all super mom.”

“Why’d you even agree to go on a date with him is what I don’t understand.” Harper pointed out before dumping the paper into a trashcan. “Besides Evan wouldn’t know what a good date was even if it smacked him in the face. Literally a sign saying AMAZING DATE."

“I suppose you would know Harper, rumour has it you’re a bit of a man whore.” Evan said stopping right in front of us. “Also do you mind not throwing perfectly good reading material away some people work hard on it.” I could see that Harper was ready to blow.

Evan and Harper had never seen eye to eye and when Harper became the star of one of Evans articles about girls caring more about boys than grades she’d gained even more hate for him. Of course no one seemed to take much interest in what Evan wrote it just always hurt to find some trash written about you.

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