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Ok, so here goes nothing....My good friend, partner in crime, work buddy, @MissDomho has convinced me to set up my own account and show case my works. I am really hesitant posting my works. But at least now I will have the chance to read your works. I can't wait 😊


Tour buses could be a great way to hide away from the world. Especially when there was no one else around.

With their final show over and everyone else getting drunk back at the venue, Mike had seen an opportunity to hide away and have a little quiet time to himself. Sure, he loved his band. But being in the same room as his band could be a recipe for disaster. Especially when one was hopped up on alcohol and hyped up on adrenaline.

He'd turned the lights down low before dropping onto one of the deep, plush couches. He was just settling into the opening chapter of a new book when he heard the distinctive whoosh of the tour bus door opening. Inwardly, he groaned. Outwardly, he pasted on a smile. It was a smile that became genuine when Chester bounced his way in.

His dark hair hair was matted and damp from the shower and his shorts barely clung to his small body. Draped over his torso was a baggy wife beater.

Chester's eyes lit up when he saw the emcee. "Mikey!"

"Hey, Chazzy. How you doin'?"

Ever the perpetual child, Chester bounced over and dropped himself to the couch. When he wasn't causing trouble with Phoenix, his favourite thing was keeping Mike company. Mike appreciated Chester's company and was touched by how happy the Vocalist's seemed to be around him.

"Good!! I'm good." He leaned in to Mike and peered at the book. "What'chu reading?"

Mike turned the cover so that Mike could see it. "The 37th Parallel. It's all about this guy who finds a literal UFO highway across America."

"Sounds boring to me."

The emcee smiled. "Depends what your definition of boring is? You'd do better reading more books instead of tabloid magazines and the backs of cereal boxes."

His smile widened as Chester pouted. It only took a moment before the Vocalist perked back up again. He lifted one of Mike's arms and draped it around his shoulder before snuggling down.

"You can carry on reading now." Chester murmured. "I'll just sit here and watch you."

Mike felt his heart warm and he rested the book on his knee and used his free hand to flip the pages.

"You're kind of adorable. You know that, right?"

He could feel Chester's warm breath against his neck now and his dark hair tickling his cheek. Mike draped an arm across his chest and gave Chester a gentle squeeze.

"Yeah, I know." Chester softly replied.

Mike smiled and flipped the page of his book. He was used to Chester being being close and snuggly. At some point in their lives, all of them had been a willing victim of the Chester Bennington Blanket. None of the band minded at all. He was a nice person to chase away the occasional bout of loneliness with.

As absorbed as he was in his book, Mike became aware of Chester's moving his arm. It inched down, his hand sweeping over his stomach before resting on his crotch. Mike gave a mental shrug and went back to losing himself in the words on the page.

For a while, they sat in silence, Chester obviously enjoying his company. When Chester's fingers closed around his groin, Mike jumped.

"Chaz! What are you doing down there?" He gently admonished.

I think we're alone now {Bennoda fic}Where stories live. Discover now