Mikey comfort Steo after finding out Andy cheated on him with gorgie

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One Saturday morning 10th of October Mikey Graham is on his way to Majorca after seeing Stephen is on headlines top news report because Andy cowells Stephen's husband had a affaire 3 day's ago with Georgi who he made friends with 3 month's ago. And Georgi doesn't like Stephen and he tried to kill Stephen one night at the club and Stephen didn't take a drug because he knows it's bad for him and Stephen never liked Georgi since they first as he knows he's a druggie and he told Andy but he never believed Stephen. And it upsets Stephen he is more upset now since finding out their affair yesterday afternoon as saw yhem kissing and Stephen was so heartbroken as he loves Andrew and they were gonna adopt a kid together. Ronan keith and Shane found out what happened as they saw the news but they couldn't go to Majorca as Ronan got an doctor appointment as he's not feeling well since last night and Keith taking him as Yvonne and Ronan are not together anymore as she had a affaire too during boyzone tour but still good friends and Shane got live racing and Mikey have to go by himself and the lads and everyone else feel so sorry for Stephen. And Andy is now staying in Majorca for good and he moved in with Gorgie. And Stephen got enough problems already as he's now an orphan as his dad died 6 months ago with illness and his mum died 2 weeks ago and had a funeral last week and everyone else including the lads are all supporting Stephen and they all know the news too and they are all mad at Andrew. And Stephen doesn't even know Mikey is coming to be with him but but he could needed someone with him at the moment and nobody wanted Stephen to by himself that's why Mikey on his way to be with him. Then an hour later he landed and he caught a taxi to his apartment. And stephen was sitting on the swingy bench as he cried. And he was so relieved to see Mikey. Mikey oh Mikey as he Stephen cries. Oh my god Steo im so sorry to hear about Andrew having a affair with Gorgie who tried to kill you as I've seen the news before i came to Majorca to see you Mikey cries. Thanks Mikey I'm absolutely heartbroken as Stephen cries. I know you are Steo as Mikey cries. Then they got Mikey's luggage's. Then held hand in hand in to the house. Then they went to walked around town. And have a drink at the cafe. And they laughed at funny stories. I remeber once way back in 2001 1 month after the band split i was in Blackpool with Hannah for the holiday we were at the fun fair that day and i was waiting for Hannah who was in the toilet i felt someone giving me a hug from behind me and i turned to see who it was and it was Ro and I've jumped out of my skin as Mikey laughed. Dear god that is more like Ro to do that behind someone without anyone knowing he's behind them as Stephen laghed. It is then Hannah came out and she said uncle Ronan not seen you in ages come on the little rollercoaster with me as i know you got a song called live is a rollercoaster as Mikey laughed. Oh god did Ronan went on with her said Stephen as he laughed. Yes he did and I've sang live is a rollercoaster as Mikey laughed. Dear god i remeber once in 2007 the day after we all talking about having a reunion i went to the pub for a drink with Shano and he nipped to the toilet but he went in the ladies toilet as Stephen laughed. I know Shane told me himself as Mikey laughed. Then they both went shopping. And Stephen saw Andy. Hey Stephen how are you said Andy. I'm upset and betrayed by you leave me alone Andy said Stephen. But Stephen I'm sorry said Andy as he started to cry. As he watched Stephen walked away to Mikey. As Mikey comfort him.  As Stephen is also upset. Then when Stephen stopped crying. Mikey went over to Andy. Hi Andy said Mikey. Hi Mikey said Andy. I believed you had a affair with Gorgie the same guy who tried to kill Stephen by giving him drug's and it hurt Stephen alot and he's been crying about it said Mikey. I know i did have a affair with Gorgie and i know I've upset Stephen im so sorry but i don't believe Gorgie tried to kill Stephen by giving him drug's said Andy. But me and Stephen are telling yiu the truth Gorgir did tried to kill Stephen said Mikey. Lier said Andy as he walked away. Then went to Gorgie's house. Whilst stephen and Mikey carried on shopping 

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 09, 2018 ⏰

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