Story Three: Puppy!Asta x Reader

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Well,you had finally done it. You had managed to convince your parents,after years of begging,to get a puppy. You were staring at the puppies at the animal shelter for what felt like forever,and had gotten your heart set on a pitbull puppy called 'Alex'. Alex already knew basic training,but apparently only liked to behave himself when he chose too. Your parents hated large dog breeds,pitbulls especially,and you only had to complain about it for half an hour before they gave in and let you get it.
You knew your mother would love him once you were home. You smiled as you walked out,a look of pure happiness etched onto your face. You would have to wait a few hours for them to give the puppy all of his shots and make sure he would be ready to leave. During the meantime,you were forced to do chores around the house until the shelter called and said he was ready. You had been debating on names all day,and had decided his name would now be Asta. When you got there to retrieve the excited pup,your heart wad almost soaring out of your chest. You were the one to take the leash in your hands,a sense of pride filling every fiber of your very being. This is the start of a new journey,and you couldn't be more ready to leave the shelter. As your parents paid the adoption fees and made sure to discuss what having a pitbull,you scratched behind Asta's ears happily. Once everything was ready to go,you picked him up in your little arms and carried him out,your parents hot on your heels. Of course they weren't as excited as you. When you have a 'bully' breed,you're going to get some hate from people who don't know the beauty of the breed. You put Asta in the car,the small pup running around excitedly. Once you were in your seat,he began to lick all over your face,seemingly excited to have left that shelter. As your parents got in,you kept trying to pry Asta away from your face. You would be heading to a pet store to get stuff that he needed,and an overly excited puppy could look bad to other people. Half an hour later,once you had arrived at the store,you immediately went to get Asta a proper collar. You decided on getting him a black collar that looked like the Black Bull insignia,and made sure it fit him properly. He seemed to love it as well. You ignored the looks you got from people who seemed terrified of him. Your parents went off to get the actual necessities: a dog bed,dog bowls,dog food,a leash,etc. The list went on and on. In the mean time,you got to pick out the favorites. You grabbed toys of all types and sizes,making sure he would never get bored. He would need training,and you grabbed a book all about training. You had done hours of research already,but a quick book to refer too when needed would be a huge help. Asta was trying to pull you towards the treat section,the pup following his nose. You're eyes landed on a pitch black dog suddenly,the dog turning and growling at Asta. Asta immediately barked back,his tail still wagging in a friendly manner. The way his fur seemed to rise didn't look too good,and the second the other dog tried to lunge towards you Asta let out a loud growl,making the larger dog immediately cower. It shocked you,but you were quite happy with how Asta was acting. He was protecting you,after all. You smiled and went to say something until your parents came over and apologized to the dog's owner. They shouldn't be apologizing,right..? Asta had done nothing wrong. As your parents lead you away with Asta in tow,they began to scold you for letting him do that.
"He was protecting me momma." You said,frowning.
"I know,but other people don't. That's why we don't want a pitbull,honey. They're almost always made out to be the bad guys,and Asta is quite tough for something so tiny. If that other dog had attacked him and someone said something about it,he probably would've been made out to be a vicious animal." She explained. Your father was livid,convinced Asta needed some sort of punishment. You frowned and stayed quiet after that until you got home. In your room,your mom helped you lay everything of Asta's out. You put his new collar on him,smiling at how cute it looked. Asta sat there happily,tail wagging adorably. You had his new dog bed laid out next to the foot of your bed,and a little basket housing all of his toys next to it. He wasn't allowed to sleep in your bed since he'd grow too big to do that as a full-grown dog. That made you rather sad,but you knew a twin size bed could only house him for so long. He wasn't allowed on most of the furniture in fear of him tearing it up,so your room was his domain. You decided to try out some of the tricks he apparently knew.
"Asta,sit." You said,trying your best to sound demanding but also encouraging. The pup seemed to completely ignore you,instead focusing on exploring every inch of the room. He was sniffing at everything,his tail wagging with curiosity,and seemed keen on knowing what every smell was. You tried once again,calling his name. He didn't pay any attention,making you a little annoyed. He should be doing it by now,right...? When he finally looked over,you sat down on the floor to be on a closer level to him. "Asta,sit!" You ordered,repeating your previous words. You were ecstatic that he listened,and instantly praised him. You repeated this with his other tricks; stay,leave it,up,heel,speak,off,and finally down. He seemed to realize quickly that you were his new boss,and that listening to you was essential if he wanted a treat. You were shocked each time at how good he acted,and it filled you with pride. You began to play with him,tossing a ball a bit away from you and telling him to bring it back.

He caught on quick,and within a week the pup had learned a variety tricks. He was protective,which wasn't a bad thing,and seemed to love meeting new people. You were taking him out on a walk since it was sunny out,your mom walking with you in case something happened. There was a german shepherd being walked nearby,and Asta sniffed around curiously as if trying to get the scent. The excitable pup apparently strayed much too close to the larger dog,since the dog tried to attack him. The owner quickly yanked his dog away as your mom grabbed Asta,you watching in shock. The owner fell back,his dog getting away,and now you had a giant dog barreling at you. You were obviously scared and let out a scream,Asta suddenly throwing himself out of your mother's arms. He bit at the shepherd's hackles,snarling and barking until the shepherd turned on him,deeming him more of a nuisance than you. Asta didn't back down,and bared his teeth. He threw himself right at the large dog,biting at his neck until both you and the other owner finally separated them. Asta's shoulder was bleeding,his side scratched up a bit. You started sobbing,terrified he wasn't going to be okay,and your mother quickly pulled you away from the scene as you held Asta.

A few hours later,you were sitting in the vet's office. Asta was going to make a full recovery,but had to stay there for a while as he healed up. You didn't want to leave him there,and he clearly didn't want to stay,so it broke your heart when your mother pulled you out. She hadn't been able to calm you down for an hour after the attack,and when you started to cry again,she just sighed and started to drive.

~Two months later~
Asta had made a full recovery quite some time ago,and he hadn't changed much from that same puppy you'd gotten. He was still a fighter,always trying to protect you,but he never attacked someone. When other dogs would startle you by growling,he'd let out the most powerful growl he could to scare them off. It worked most of the time,and it made you happy to see how he behaved. He was always so happy and ready to protect anything that your parents had even considered getting another puppy. You couldn't have been more excited when they came home one day with a black puppy that had amber eyes,and neither could Asta.

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