Chapter 1: A friend Of Yours Is A Friend Of Mine

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"Glad to see ya"

Ryan and Owen turned to see their great friend Ali with a new girl neither of them had seen before "Be glad we made it back" Owen Laughed

"Yeah, the bus almost went of the road to swim with the fish" Ryan added. There was a short silence until Owen broke the ice "So Ali, who's your friend"

"I'm Charlotte" The girl replied "But my friends call me Charlie"

"So Charlie, what cla..."

"I said my friends call me Charlie"

 "Ouch Owen, ouch. She's in our classes and from, which we should probably make our way to." Ali said, obviously trying to get on Owen's nerves Ryan tried to hide his laugh but it was impossible, Owen glared.

"Green Eye" Ryan whispered to Ali, she let out a giggle too. Owen had heterochromia, One blue eye and one green eye. When he's Green Eye Owen that's his more wild side, and blue eye is the more calm gentle side. As the four of them headed of to from, Charlie felt something not quite right about today, not sure what, but something was not quite right.

The normal stuff happened in form that would happen when any new person joined, the Tutor introduced Charlie to everyone and the four of them sat and chat. The form tutor was talking about something to do with weapons and extreme punishments will be held against anyone found with weapons.

"Wait, so everyone who does PE is getting expelled?" Ryan said sarcastically. Charlie looked at him with a puzzled expression "We do shooting in PE"

"What!?" Charlie said sounding alarmed.

"Shooting starts in Year 8, so you joined at the right time to learn how to blow a man's head off" The comment didn't have the effect Ryan was hoping it would, but he carried on "The first lesson started 2 weeks ago, but we're still only covering only basic guns." 

"Yep, it's like they're trying to shoot or blow up the school, guns in PE, fire in science.  Owen received a glare from the teacher."Mr. Mendez, I expect you here at lunch." She was cut off by a loud beeping noise "First period everyone, I have a class waiting, now go go!"

On the way to science Owen said "What are the chances of shooting a bullet through the art window and it hitting the witch?"

"About the chances of them putting Trump on the £50 note" Charlie said, here northern accent stumbling on the note. "Wow, I guess we're the first ones here" They walked into an empty classroom, a classroom with a gaping hole in the wall. 

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