Prologue: Car Wreck

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Authors note: This is dedicated to BelWatson because I was really inspired by her style of writing to do this story. Ok so please vote, comment, share with others and get more fans!!!!!! -:-:-:- Nialler_123


It's funny how something little would bleed into something jurassic. Well that is what happened to my family. It was a lukewarm spring night and I was going out to get some milk because I was making sweets for our new neighbors across the lane. My mother volunteered to go because she had to get some things so I let her go. I was just sitting on the couch watching the latest episode of  Pretty Little Liars when I got a call from the Washington police department.

"Hello Ms. Ember could you come down to the station now?" asked the police officer in a deep husky voice

"" I stumbled over my words wondering what my mother has gotten into now

   I got in my car and drove to the police station. My heart practically beating out of my chest. Numerous questions bounced off the walls of my skull. Is she okay? Did she get in trouble? How many hundreds of dollars we will have to give to the government? I finally arrived at the police station, taking inventory of my mother's demolished valvo next to the aid car. My heart shattered into little shards and then I rained them down onto the woman with a demolished hood on her car. I walked over to the police officer and he explained everything.

   My mom was pulling out of Safeway and the woman wasn't paying attention and hit the front half of her car. The last sentence was the most dreadful. In his exact words he said "The impact was so big your mother couldn't handle it, she died immediatly". Those words punched me in the face and liquid mourn started bucketing from my eyes. She was all I had left, and just like that she was gone. The only good news was that I was going to go live with my godfather Paul in the UK. The weird thing is that I never even met him and I am going to go live with him and his wife Clodagh.



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