SSHO and the Interns

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[Really don't know if in Retsuko's Universe if this is a thing with the breakfast or if it is considered cannibalism. Not in Haida's case of course.]

   After a quick steaming shower I was able to enjoy the spread Retsuko made.Mmm. BACON, Scrambled eggs, and bell peppers. Tantalizing with every bite. Not even the gods themselves could allow this splendiferous blend of foods go unappreciated. It was completely necessary to moan until I devoured every last morsel.

Across from the table. Retsuko munched reserved on her toast and jam. She seems so engrossed by my eating habit.

"Where did you put my clothes? " I sat in a fluffy orange robe. It was a bit snug, the plush made me feel like an oversized king.

She handed me some new clothes. "Koko dropped this off. She said your clothes got drenched from some beer you spilled on yourself."

" Wow that was nice." There were still decent peoplr on the planet. Even if sometimes they have an ulterior motive. "How did she get my size spot on?"

"Well knowing Koko she is pretty adventurous with everyone of all bed. She has it happen quite often." she incorporated the last part while she turned away.

"Off to work I guess." I shrugged my shoulders.

Fiddling her keys she locked her apartment. We made the commute, caught up on a cramped train. Side by side, she didn't say much. She seemed bothered, I could only assume about last night.

I felt terrible. "You want to talk about it?"

"Not today." She seemed defeated. She was tired as well. I do recollect the puddle of saliva she left on my back.

  We were separated at the doors. Reunited in the elevator. Everyone congested in the metal box.  She was pressed against my chest. Even in her disgruntled mood the universe played her back into my arms. Dammit UNIVERSE let her come to me on her own terms!

Her eyes were closed. She rest her head on my chest. Everyone one around us introverted themselves to their mobile computer. We felt alone. I wished for the moment to last.

Unfortunately for us.
This tender moment was immediate cut short.

Pooling to the changing rooms. Retsuko removed her self from me and drooped onward.

  Coming out of the changing rooms, I was shoved against the wall by two executive women. 

" What exactly did you do to Retsuko?" The burly female used an intimidating tone.

"Pardon me, exactly who are you fine ladies?" I tried to play it cool. If I gave into the the immense fear now they would win.

"Excuse us, I am Ms. Washimi and this is Ms. Gori , she is a bit tense. Last night, we were listening to Retsuko vent [RAGE] and it would seems during her ballad. Er, emitting   her issues. She kept bringing up a fellow named Haida who works in accounting. Making her feel a certain complicated emotions. We assumed your the male playing heart strings? "  She was proper and polite. Feeling more at ease, I felt safe with her around. She was an avian maiden. Black pumps to complement her dress suit and pearls.

  Gori, the threatening gorilla woman with a thick coat of red lipstick, wore a complete outfit hot pink dress and heels. "Well we will be watching you closely. Just remember what happens today is partly because of you." Gori added.

She blamed me for something I wasn't even aware of. What could she possibly have meant by what happens next was because of me.

Washimi bowed slightly."Thank you for your time."
The strut away like runway models. I wasn't liking the ill omen boding ahead.

Everyone congregate to their desk. Another gut punch day. That Gori woman set me off.

  Mr. Ton was nowhere to be seen. I figured he was sick. He has also been pushing himself a lot since they made the deadline.

SLAM! A middle aged llama woman threw some magazines on  the floor in the middle of the office. The commotion attracted everyone's attention.

She seemed nice."Hello everyone! My name Llamada. I am an HR representative from the 7th floor. The Company has been investigating a sex scandal within our midst and if you haven't seen on television. Somehow the press has gotten ahold of this vital and private information. Therefore until further notice Mr. Ton will be put under suspension and everyone in accounting is under investigation. You may continue resuming work but there is going to be a mandatory meetings for the next several weeks everyday as we perform interviews and go over basic work conduct and edicate. Also we will be covering sexual harassment scenerios with our new innovational program to prevent sexual acts at work. The Sock puppet Sexual Harassment Orientation."She concluded with one statement. " Your senior second in command, Mrs. Lizard will be guiding you through this difficult time, we will also have some foreign exchange interns from our global network program to aid in the short staffing problem. These you individuals will be working at our other Branches of this Company  in their home countrt once their internship is done. Thank you for listening and are there any questions?"

"Will Mr. Ton be returning anytime soon?" Tsunoda raised her hand. She wore a concerned grimace.

Sex Scandal and I am partly to blame Ms. Gori and Ms. Washimi  had forewarned. Did Retsuko say something bad to the higher ups?

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