First day of school

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Jason's POV

Another day of school.

Yuck. I cant stand school. At least I'm a senior this year. I wouldn't be able to deal with longer than one more year.

As I pull into the school parking lot, my senses start to kick in and are filled with too much perfume and body sprays. I immediately start coughing and breathing through my shirt. ll these humans are covered in things to hide their real bodies, like make-up, and perfumes.

"Hey man! You just gonna sit there?" My best friend, and Beta, Darren asks me while he taps on my window.

I open my door and step out into the warm muggy air. "Nah man, I was just thinking there for a minute. Another year, but at least we are seniors."

"Yeah I cant take another day in this dump with all of these girls trying to take my clothes off with their eyes." He visibly shuddered.

"Speaking of unclothing, where is Lily?" I asked Darren. He's one of the lucky few to have found his mate.

As soon as her name escaped my lips, his eyes glassed over with a look of lust that was aimed over my shoulder. Oh, I wonder who hes looking at...

I look over my shoulder to see the beautiful, petite Lilly walking our way wearing a little sun dress with her hair covering her back all the way down to her waist.

"Yeah, so I'm going to go get my schedule and leave you to love birds alone." I said as I patted his back and started walking away. But Darren caught my sleeve to grasp my attention.

"You'll find her one day man. I know you will." He said with big sympathetic eyes as he let go of my sleeve.

Great. Now im going to be thinking about my pack for the rest of the day and all of our problems. One of them being that their Alpha is mate less, and is not supposed to be.

Great. Just great. I thought as I headed to the office, passing drooling ogling girls.

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