Chapter 20

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     Leon and Rin met everyone at the studio and they all gathered around and started some music for them to have a karaoke party. Leon and Rin were laughing and making jokes with everyone and they all had a great party. Next thing they know it's nearly 10:00pm. They all leave and Leon and Rin start walking to their home, Rin suddenly feels terrible pain, he screams and Leon turns around and hold him asking what's wrong. Rin screams again, Leon picked him up bridal style and runs home and puts him on the bed. Rin points to his stomach, Leon lifts up his shirt and he sees his stomach moving and it looked like something was hitting him from the inside, it looked like it was growing in size as well. Rin is nearly in tears and Leon cups his face and kisses him comforting him, Rin's cries weaken and his stomach is now a bump and Rin looks down and when he realizes it he smiles and kisses Leon. Leon and Rin go to sleep with Leon cradling Rin and Rin having pillows under his stomach. When they wake up, Leon doesn't see Rin, he sees the bathroom door open and goes to it and finds Rin puking. Leon runs to him and holds his hair back and rubs his back.
2 months later(Rin and Leon are married)
Leon and Rin are on the couch and watching vines when Rin jumps up and yells at Leon to take him to the hospital now while holding his stomach. Leon jumps up and runs him to the hospital(with demonic speed) and the demon nurse takes him out of Leon's aroma and takes him into the room.

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