Every 15 minutes

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Sorry guys I haven't been active. The reason was because I'd been assigned to play a really important role for school. Every 15 minutes is an activity that represents every 15 minutes someone is killed by a drunk driver. My situation was a group of students going to prom and getting hit by a group of drunk people. Sadly I "died" on the scene May 1st 2018. my body sprawled on the front of the car. It was a very difficult scene for my friends and family knowing that I had "died". I had to write my final goodbye to family and friends making it seem like it was the very last thing they would hear from me and my family had to write their final goodbye to me. It broke my heart knowing my dad and grandma saw my "dead body". They couldn't picture the thought of losing me. Knowing that they received the news of me dying really hurt because the situation seemed so real. It had been 24 hours since I saw them and all of this wasn't real but it is to be taken a serious action. Never drink and drive because you can cause someone their life. If you ever have an event like this take it serious and show sympathy for those who "lost" a loved one in this tragic accident. It may not affect you but it really affects the victim and their families. I'm still shaken up by this, feeling like it was all so real. Look up every 15 minutes and you will see the truly fatality of this horrific event.

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