Chapter 8: Challenge

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A new day begins at Eventides. Everything feels fresh after the rain last night. The smell of geosmin brings comfortableness and the warm sunlight falls, hopping on shoulder.

Samuel and his team are convened at the peek of the hill that lies above the resistant's base, which is also where the assumingly 'leader' of the resistant is waiting, along with the sound breaker.

"Don't you think you're doing too much just for answering some questions?" – Samuel askes.

"I did promise you guys a review session, but I didn't say that it's for free. Besides, you need to pass this test anyway if you wish to join us."

"Who told you that I want to join this hell hole?"

"I had a nice evening talk with your Grangor friend while you were all dozing. He seemed to have... some trouble with resting!"

"Ezz...even so, don't you need to be somewhere else? I remember having seen a recruitment sector in your base, so what are we doing up here?"

"You've already defeated my lieutenant Vox, but I can't just take an evaluation of you by some random people."

"Vox, huh?... seems like I don't need to do much to make you spill some beans!"

"I'm sorry to tell you that your statement is false!"

Right after finishing her words, the twin-tailed knocks the end of her scepter to the ground. A small red orb as bright as the stars immediately drops on Samuel's feet, creating an impact enough to send him off-balance.

Although it is rare to see such magic outside of the battlefield, it will need more to surprise Samuel at this moment as he pulls out Malice in respond. With a clean swift, waves of black smoke start to cover her surroundings. Samuel then channels his magic in attempt to create the same immobilizing field he used on Vox.

But that strategy soon be interrupted due to the fact that the orb's halo neutralize the field of smoke easily.

"Using the same spell twice? What are you, some kind of one trick pony?"

She conjures another sphere next to Samuel. But this time, it seems very unstable as it's shaking continuously until a crack appears on its shell.

Soon after he realized it, the orb's shell shatters, unleashing all powers contained it. The surge of energy inflicts massive damage to its nearby area, including where Samuel is standing. Luckily, he is fast enough to take out Verdict and creates a temporary fence that blocked most of the effects.

"Haha, I'm the one who should say that, don't you have anything else besides those portable light bulbs?"

"As the matter of fact, I do!"

She opens her palm and directs it towards Samuel. At this moment, his senses becomes the most active as he and everyone watching outside the ring can feel the devastating power concentrates in the center of her hand.

"Hey, hey, you're not serious, are you?" – Samuel says with both hands soaking in sweat and ready for the wand.

"Isn't that pretty?"

The girl replies with a devious smile and then bright lights start to appear in front of her hand, even brighter than those energy orbs she used earlier. The lights suddenly fades, unleashing three small comets like missiles fired from a fighting jet right after. The projectile comes in contact with its target, which is Samuel's place and let out a massive explosion. Its roar echoes throughout the surface and the air above, the shock wave comes with the explosion sends the nearby watcher feeling they are standing in the middle of a storm.

Will of the Apprentice जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें