Chapter 2 - Chemistry

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It is a week since I came back. All hope of meeting someone was shattered. There were no new people in any of my classes and the others hadn't changed, I had checked the list. I guess this year will be the same bore, the work, the class 'mates', the teachers. I hate it. I am on my way to my first chem class of the year, I enjoy chemistry but it would be better if I had someone to work with. I know I need to get over the fact that nobody wants to be my friend but it's hard. I have been trying for 17 years and it still hasn't happened so I guess it never will.

I am running late to chemistry, which for me almost never happens. I hate being late to class because the teacher tells me off in front of the sniggering class. Anyway, I finally arrive to chem and and once I open the door into the lab I walk quickly over to my seat with my head bowed trying to go unnoticed. As I reach my usual spot from last year I look up to find a good looking boy whom I had never seen before sat in my seat.

"Dani" The teacher says from the front of the class. I turn around to look at him. "Dani, you are late, please wait at the end of the class to talk to me. Now, would you kindly take a seat to avoid anymore distractions" "I apologise Mr Green, but I don't know where to sit, my usual spot is taken" I replied. "Then find another, I am getting rather inpatient Dani, this is not like you at all. Look, there is a seat next to James you can sit there" He said pointing to the seat next to the boy sat in my seat. I sit down. "Thank you" Mr Green says and he carries on with the lesson.

About fifteen minutes after arriving, James still hasn't spoken to me so I decide to make a conversation with him. "I haven't seen you before" I whisper to him. "I'm new" He bluntly replies not looking up from his work. "That's weird, I don't remember seeing a your name on the list if new comers" "That's because the move was a last minute thing, now if you don't mind can you please leave me to do my work" Jeez, I guess I'm on my own once again.

The rest of the lesson was silence, I desperately searched the class for a seat that I could possibly sit in but every empty one had someone popular sitting next to it. It is now lunch and I am sat in my usual spot under the tree doing my maths homework. For my A levels I'm doing chemistry, physics and maths. Joy of joys. I chose them because they are the only subjects I am good at, not because I enjoy them. But hey, I guess I shall just have to live with it.


It is now the Friday of the second week back, I am once again on the way to chemistry, each time I enter the door I hope somebody has dropped out of the course so I don't have to sit next to James, but of course, nobody has.

As I sit down in my seat 5 minutes before the lesson starts, I get out my books and tap my pencil on the desk waiting for everybody to arrive. I see James stroll into the room. That's odd, James is never early for class. He sits himself down but doesn't speak to me. We are just sat in an awkward silence until Mr Green comes in and begins the lesson. By this time most of the class have arrived and it's just the usual late-comers that aren't here yet.

I haven't really been listening to Mr Green for the majority of the lesson. I have been doing that thing where you think of so much you think of nothing at all. I don't really know. But he begins to talk about some project we shall be doing until the end of the term. "Your task is to look at how different chemicals react in different environments, you can interpret this in anyway you wish and your partners shall be the people you are sitting next to right now" I look over at James who is frowning, obviously cursing Mr Green for making us work together. I don't even know what I have done wrong, it's not even as if I have said anything because I literally have said nothing. This project shall be fun.


Thanks for reading! I know the start is quite slow but stick with it more interesting stuff will begin to happen in the next chapters.

What do you think shall happen with James and Dani during the project?

Comment and vote if you are enjoying it and like I say, sorry if these chapters are a bit rubbish, it's late and I am useless at starting books but like I said, more interesting things are about to begin!

Have fun

@Vampette_1 x

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