"Everyone go silent",I said screwing a suppressor to the end of my AR.

Issac and Hudson did the same while Jack switched to his sidearm. Frank,being the guy that he is,had a suppressor built into his MP-5 as well as his B32.

"We need complete quiet guys",I said quietly,"this mission is over if they spot us,you keep your safeties on unless I say otherwise and you don't fire unless I give you the go ahead."

My team nodded their replies and we started into the radio room. Whenever it came to stealth,my mind would click off and something else would take over. It was hyper aware,alert to every little detail,I would see everything,changes in lighting,moving shadows,everything. We crept from the radio room and crouched behind some barrels as I gave the order to halt when I noticed the snipers in the two front most towers by the gates were starring right at us.

"Jackson,Wyatt",I whispered,"snipers in the front tower,they'l rasie the alarm if we try to pass,drop them,get your shots off within two seconds or less or we'll be cracked wide open."

Jackson and Wyatt set their rifles up on the barrels we were hiding behind and began dialing in their scopes. I listened as both of them steadied their breathing. For a split second everything clicked off,then two low thunks left Jack and Wyatt rifles and the men fell out of sight.

"Good kills",I whispered,"let's move."

The court yard was mostly open expect for a few small two story buildings in the middle and a large razor wire fence between the entrance to the actual prison building. Guards tooled the entire area,trying to cross with out thinning them out would be a suicide mission.

"We need to thin their ranks",I whispered,"follow my lead."

I picked up a decent sized rock and chucked it at a building about a hundred feet away. The building was next to a table of two guards who were playing poker. The rock hit the metal wall with a loud thunk and by a stroke of luck,both guards got up to look. Hudson and I steadied our rifles as the men walked behind the building. I took in three deep breaths and exhaled once,before slowly beginning to depress the trigger on my AR. Low cracks echoed  out and the men face planted in the dirt without so much as a grunt.

"Flawless",I said in a whisper.

We quickly rose from our trench and sprinted across the court yard,sliding in behind the two buildings.

"Get rid of those bodies Hudson",I said motioning to the bushes,"I can see them from here."

Hudson grabbed both corpses by the shirt and tossed them behind the bushes,doing the same with their weapons.

"Jackson",I said,"counter snipe,guard in the tower dead ahead."

Jackson sat down and steadied his rifle on his knee,I watched as the man's head flew off and his corpse tumbled from the tower and into the seas below.

"Good kill",I said in a whisper,"I see another guard headed for the radio room,drop him behind the barrels."

Jack followed the man with his rifle before cracking off another round,sending the man behind the barrels.

"Clean kill",I said,"were clear,stay close to me."

We moved from the dead end alley way and into another space between two buildings,one of which was built in a right angle,and another that was built next to it,leaving a blind spot to the guards at the prison entrance. As we turned into the alley way,our advance was halted by a lone guard sneaking a cigar. He was to far away for a  knife,he'd see any of us long before we got him. Even though our weapons were suppressed,they would sound and even louder alarm.

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