Start from the beginning

Her eye color is bright, like a star. But more than that, a moon. Her explendid features were breathtaking.
Such a perfect creation.


" Uncle, i have arrived. " he informed his uncke through the line as he kept on walking.

" Good. I'll have my men escort you, today. "

" I could never thank you enough, Uncle. Have you taken your pills? " the niece asked in a worried tone.

" Yes, thanks for worrying about me, Young man. Take care. "

" You too, Uncle " he smiled slightly before ending the call.

He spotted his Uncle men and turned to them in hurry.

He bowed to the and they did too.

" Please take me to my workplace. "


[ CURRENT TIME : 2: 26 PM ]


The scientist grinned at the masterpiece he just created. A name to speak for the peculiar creature.

Standing firm, he felt a presence standing beside him as he took a quick glance at the man.

You could tell, by his scent, the way he cloth's himself, so fashionable.

Yes, indeed, he was the niece of the famous, Prime Minister, Mr.Kim.
His niece Taehyung went for a visit.

A small smirk crept upon Taehyung's face as he eyed the old man.

" It's been awhile, Sir. " he stated.

" Yes, indeed. It has. " the old man nodded his head whilst not looking at him.
Taehyung turned to his direction.

Upon seeing the Perfect Creature, he widened his eyes unable to believe that he was seeing perfection.

Breaking the silence, the old man stated.

" The sun has one kind of splendor, the moon another, and the stars another. " Taehyung looked at him in confusion.

" Her name is Luna. Which means, The Moon Goddess. " he glanced at Taehyung.

" And yes, this is The one. "

" Why Luna? " Taehyung asked out of curiosity.

" She is somewhat of a moon, so fair and indescribable.. "

" Oh. "

" Take a look at her eyes, they're dark, but beautiful. And also.. "

Taehyung averted his gaze towards the older male.

" Dangerous.. "


[ CURRENT TIME : 8:45 PM ]


" That's oddly ridiculous! Never have we ever encountered something her kind before. " the Prime Minister spoke.

" Yes, I agree. And to think that the creature is in a form of a human, it is oddly ridiculous. Her species are peculiar."

" In fact, she is not in human form, Sir. Her features are humanly, and it's difficult to even pronounce the creature as a, uh, She. "

" What shall we do if it? " they turned their attention to the middle-aged man.

Adjusting to his seat, he let out a long sigh and intertwined his fingers on the table.

" We can keep her here, use her as a military weapon- " the man suggested.

" She is danger to humanity, we can't possibly be able to do that! "

" And yes, we can. Sir Foy is correct, it can be possible, one way or another.. " he rubbed his chin.

" But, with all do respect, I do not think that it is a good idea- "

" But this is for our society, noone could have ever discovered something as big as this, it's tremendous. And the fact, that the netizens have no clue about this, we could discover new things never before. "

" We can do this for our country, world rather. "

" And, what about her's? " they looked at the Prime Minister.

" Well, uh, that's their problem, not ours, besides, they aren't our kind. We should not interfere with them. "

" We are interfering! We took one of their creatures! Anything could possibly occur in situations like these! "

" But it won't, am I right? "

The old man stopped. He slowly took a seat back.

" Do not come running to me if something unexpected happens..that's up to you. I'm trying to save humanity. "

He stood up from his seat and walked away, closing the door behind. The men and women sighed heavily.

" Very well, then. The meeting is adjourned. "


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