A Cup of Coffee

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Hey all you wonderful readers! 

Here is another chapter for you, I hope you like and please don't forget to comment! Thanks a bunch for reading this fanfic so far! 

Angel, over and out! 


Pete's P.O.V 

What is this alien-like emotion?...And why is it that every time I look at her, I always seem to get this disturbing feeling of indigestion? My heart feels like it's about to beat out of my chest at the rapid speed it's been cast in through looking into her mesmerizing (e/c) eyes; my lungs suddenly relives itself of the air it's consumed and leaves me breathless just by the sound of her voice reciting her meaningful poems; my blood rushes to my head, allowing a faint pink hue to coat my cheeks as well as warm me up on the inside; what is this warmth?...It's so new...it disgusts me...and yet, it feels like I'm dancing upon a cloud whenever our eyes lock gazes...(Y/N)...what taunting spell have you cast upon me? 

I groaned as I looked up at the clouded sky...I can't get the image of her once smiling face from my mind, yes, I had been watching her from afar...it seemed very unnatural for me to do so and I tried to stop but I always found myself staring at her figure during class or through P.E; the way her face made a fierce expression during a game against a different team at P.E and the way she'd nibble upon the end of pencil or tap it upon her chin as she placed herself in extreme thought, facing the difficulty of a seemingly unanswerable question. I found her quite cute but now that she's goth...I find her a little more attractive, especially through her poetic literature...now that I think about it...what is this feeling of longing and sudden increase of depression and sadness...this can't be the feelings of a conformist...right?...If it is then maybe I should ask (Y/N) about it...fixing my gaze upon the figure of the (h/c) girl before me, I thought of the best way to confront her with the questions I've had in my mind...maybe I should walk her home again today and ask her at her house, that way the other goths won't get suspicious about me...yeah, it's perfect.

Reader's P.O.V

Closing my notebook, I rose up from my comfortable make-shift chair and walked over to the gate. 

" Any of you guys want to join me for coffee? I'll pay for it today..." I asked, turning around, only to find Pete to be the only person standing up, shoving his hands in his pockets as the rest stayed. Raising a brow at them, they continued to breath in the poisonous smoke of cigarettes; even though I've joined their group, it doesn't mean I smoke, I still find it openly accepting poison to enter your body.

" You two go on ahead, we just want to smoke some more. You guys don't even have to come back, just meet us here again tomorrow." Henrietta suggested, sucking in another long dose of smoke and breathing it out with a puff as I gave a nod of confirmation. 

" Let's go then Pete...so Tweek Bro's cafe or the usual hang out?" I asked, making my way out of school grounds with Pete close behind me. 

" The usual hang out, I heard that Tweek Bro's were adding an extra ingredient into their coffee and I don't know what it is, I don't even want to find out..." he trailed off, flicking his cigarette into a bin close by and picked up his pace, taking longer strides, in order to catch up to me. 

" Alright...let's go then." we were once again engulfed in silence as we made the journey over to our said destination, it was quite comfortable this time though; I've already gotten used to his stoic silence, I've actually found it comfortable, he has a very welcoming aura even though he claims that he only exists to make conformists' lives forever more miserable. After a few minutes, I found us both seated upon a table for two with a mug of strong coffee around our palms and talking about our pain filled lives. 

" ...so what was it that made you want to become a goth?" Pete asked as I looked up from my half-empty mug of coffee and stare into his crimson red eyes. 

" Well, I have had enough of suffering...I've had my heart broken too many times. I didn't want it to shatter anymore, it was covered in so many layers of bandages I couldn't even tell if it was still beating so I gave into the agony and let it shatter for the last time before I befriended my pain, letting it consume me whole. I was finally free from the chains of the conformists life and finally was able to openly express who I truly was..." I explained, looking back at my coffee, taking a sip before meeting the firm gaze of Pete again.

" Wow...that must have been a totally pain to live through..." he commented as I nodded, fiddling with the handle of the mug, "...hey can I ask you something?..." 

" You already did but ask as much as you want, I won't bite..." I stated as I fixed my full attention upon him. 

" Stop..." Pete began as I gave him a look of confusion, tilting my head to the side. 

Pete's P.O.V 

I watched her stare at me in wonder, tilting her head cutely as a rush of blood flooded my cheeks. 

" Please, just stop it..." 

" Stop what Pete?" 

" Stop giving me indigestion!" 

" Indigestion?" 

" Yeah! you give me indigestion, my stomach won't stop clenching in on itself because of you; you gave me a bad case of the flu too because my blood always seems to heat up my cheeks just with the plain sight of you doing something cute; you always seem to knock the air out of me when you recite your beautiful poems; you also make my heart sore from beating so fast whenever you're around and when you're gone I always get this lonely feeling building up in me! STOP IT!" I cried as (Y/N) moved from her seat and sit herself down beside me, " Wh-what do you want now?" I asked as she leaned into my face. 

" Pete..." she mused as my heart beat became even more rapid.

" Y-yeah?..." I asked, trailing off at the feeling of her warm, soft hands caressing my cheeks and pulling my into her, reducing the gap in between us. 

"...shut up and kiss me..." she stated as my pulse skipped a beat, her hot coffee scented breath was fanning my cheeks and her lips where barely an inch away from mine.

" Wh-" I didn't get to finish my question because she had my lips already occupied. Feeling a tingling sensation flood through me, I couldn't help but pull her closer, wrapping my arm around her waist and entangle my hand in her silky (h/l), (h/c) hair, deepening the kiss. 

Reader's P.O.V 

I know I've said I'd never fall in love again but for Pete, who understands everything I've gone through...I'll make an exception. I found it simply adorable at how he bluntly confessed straight to my face without even noticing, I wanted to giggle uncontrollably but restrained myself and let him rant on and on until the urge to lock my lips with his own was too much for me to resist. I didn't regret it either, it actually felt right. His lips were pale and thin but I didn't care, it still set off a display of fireworks from within me and I really hope he can see it too. Savoring the moment for I had to pull away soon, I took in his intoxicating scent and the comforting feel of slender yet wonderfully sculpted body against mine. Without fully pulling away, I let my lips linger over his own as we panted for a short amount of time, staring into each other's eyes, I gave him three extra, quick kisses before I pulled myself back and allowed a faint smile to form upon my lips as well as a dark blush to paint my cheeks. 

" Darn conformist love..." I heard Pete mutter as I was suddenly lifted onto his lap, straddling his hips with my legs on either side of his legs, staring into his lust filled eyes, " who said you were done satisfying me? Because I know that I not fully content with just that," he huskily stated, pulling me closer and slinging my arms around his shoulders, " now get to it...or else..." 

" Alright Pete...are you ready?" I asked playfully trying to delay the situation as he growled suddenly banding and rubbing our hips together.

" As ready as I'll ever be..." he smirked as I clashed our lips together in a lust-filled, bruising yet loving kiss. 


Pete x Reader - Goths and Conformists...Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz