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Timmy Trumpet & Savage- Freaks


It had been almost eight days. We're starting to feel a lot more worried about him. Even the media has been asking. Where is the Batman? I arrived at the manor to see Alfred cleaning up something Titus had broken. Damian had gone on a trip a couple of days ago and I had promised I would look into it if he came back and Bruce still wasn't here.

"Pleasant surprise," Alfred greeted me.

"Has he tried to contact you, Al?" the worry in his eyes when he shook his head unsettled me. "Okay, I'm going to start looking. Damian should be here in a few hours. I want him to come home with some kind of news,"

"I'll make dinner,"

"Can you contact Dick? He should be in Bludhaven with Kor'i by now," 

"Right away, Ms. Ilya," he nodded. I walked over to the hidden elevator in the living room.

I never realized how quiet it could be here without him. Bruce's presence is grand and without him being here this vast place just isn't home. Since I found out he's my dad and after a few encounters, Bruce settled back into being who he is. The man behind the mask who occasionally remembered his sidekick is his son and that his daughter got tired of meeting him on rooftops in order to have a face to face conversation with him.

"Deneveer, override sequence Alpha,"

"Welcome, Ilya. How can I be of assistance?" she answered right away.

"Den, the Batman is missing. Give me everything on his last outing please,"

Three files came up on the screen. The Electrocutioner, Firefly, and Killer Moth. They were all at the plantation that exploded the night Bruce went missing.

"Can you pull up anything on surveillance involving that night?"

A couple of videos popped up. Something that caught my complete attention. A woman dressed like a bat enthusiast had arrived before the Batman and she had military-grade weapons and moves like she's trained. When the Batman arrived he helped her-ish and I'm pretty sure that whatever he said to her was somewhere balanced between go home and you're going to get yourself killed right before they ran towards a part of the warehouse where there were no cameras.

"Can you get me anything from where they disappeared?"

"Negative, the chemicals in that sector would damage the cameras should they have been set up," my phone rang. Deneveer immediately brought it up on the screen.

"You have terrible timing, little sister," Dick greeted.

"I'm sorry, Dick. You know I wouldn't call unless it was an emergency,"

"What's going on?"

"Bruce is missing. Meet me at the docks in an hour?"

"Yeah, I'll be there. Don't go in without me. I don't need Jay or Bruce to kill me if you get hurt,"

"Wouldn't think of it, bro," I laughed before he hung up.

"Master Bruce left an upgraded spare for you," Alfred informed me, coming up behind me

"Thanks, Al," 

He had upgraded my suit. Made it a little more protective and even added a cape. I put on to find that it fits like a glove. I had never worn a cape and we're going to have to replace it but I have to admit that it gives me a little bit of a confidence boost. I grabbed my mask and began to make my way over to my bike. I had left it here when I had to pick up an unconscious Red Robin from an alleyway with a major concussion a few weeks ago. I pulled my hair up into a high ponytail.

The Lazarus Effect: InjusticeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt