Clothing's Optional pt. 2

Start from the beginning

The feeling of her hand on his knee broke him from his thoughts. What the hell? She slowly starts to move her hand up his thigh. He can feel his breath quicken as she gets daringly close to the area he needs to feel her the most. Right when she is about to reach it however, she pulls her hand away. He lets out a low groan at the loss of contact and has to cover it up by coughing.

Ruby stops his story to look at Cesar with disgust, "Are you sick? Please do not come over if you are. I can't afford to catch any disease."

"No I'm not sick, just had a tickle in the back of my throat," Cesar responds after he finishes taking a drink of water.

Ruby looks at him unsure if he should believe him, "Right okay, I'm gonna make sure to double up on my Vitamin C just in case."

The bell rings signaling the end of lunch. Ruby, Jamal and Olivia get up to head to their next class, which convientantly they all have together. Monse goes to get up as well but Cesar grabs her hand to stop her.

"What the hell was that?" he hissed. She furrows her brows in feign confusion, "I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about." She pulls her hand out from his and gets up from the table. "Maybe you should take some Vitamin C too. You don't want that cough of yours to escalate." She slightly smirks at him and walks away, leaving him dumbfounded.

She's playing with him. Leave it to Monse to make him work for their alone time. Well, if it's a game she wants then it's a game she's gonna get. She's going to be begging for them to be alone by the time he's finished.


The rest of the day went by pretty quickly for Monse. Her little stunt she pulled on Cesar at lunch was so incredibly hard for her to do. It's not something she ever thought she would do, but something came over her. All she had planned to do was make him wait a little longer for their time together by agreeing to go to Ruby's house after school. Before she knew it, however, her hand was on his knee and started to move up. It both exhilarated and frightened her. It took everything in her to hide her nerves and pretend to be listening to Ruby's story. She was so happy when the bell rang and the others left. At least then she didn't have to worry about them catching on to what she was doing. The good thing about it all was that she was able to leave Cesar shocked again.

Now school was finally over. Olivia and Ruby already headed off together ahead of them because Ruby needed to 'set up' and he insisted that Olivia go with him. And Cesar mumbled that he had to go take care of something for Oscar and left without really saying bye. So that left Jamal and Monse walking together to Ruby's house. Once they get there they see that Ruby has spread out snacks all over his dining room table. "Man, he really goes all out for everything," Jamal mumbles as he sits down at the table.

"Perfect timing! I just finished setting up," Ruby says as he puts the last bowl of chips on the table. Olivia appears from the kitchen with soda cans in her hands, "Where do you want these Ruby?" He gestures to the other end of the table, "Down there is fine." She sets them down before sitting down across from jamal.

Ruby puts on some music in the background then comes to sit down next to Olivia. Monse can't help but notice that they have been pretty close lately. She's sure Ruby is happy about that.

"Where's Cesar?" Olivia asks.

"Oh, he said he had to go take care of something for Oscar and ran off," Jamal says as he grabs a handful of chips and stuff them in his mouth.

"I really hate when he has to go and do stuff for him," Olivia says sadly.

"You and us both," Monse replies sitting down next to Jamal, "We need to make a move with our plan and soon. We don't need Cesar getting in any deeper than he already is."

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