Chapter 4

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I freeze. I'm dead meat, right?

"So why were you so confident earlier? I have to know." He says. Can't he just drop it?

"Why does it matter to you? I really have to be somewhere right now."

"Oh really, like where? Back home to mummy? Listen up," he raises his fist, "You tell me or else."

"Or else what? Teachers are all around here and you'd be suspended." SMACK. He hit me. The little s*** hit me. I clutch my face.

"All talk, no bite. You're nothing more than a weakling. Now act normal or there's more where that came from. Go run home to Muma." He kicks the back of my leg and I fall. "See you Shy-chi." He says and walks off. It reminds me of Morikowa.

"A rare card like this deserves to play everyday." He trips me and leaves.

I stand and stumble. Ugh, I cut my hand. I wash it off and set off to card capital. I walk in.

There's a grade school kid playing Isaki.

I ignore it at first and go buy a pack. Morikowas singing. "Never seen a grade 3, no grade 3, how unlucky can one person be?!" And I get one. I jump with joy.

Kai's POV

Why do I have to be sick?! I hate myself so much at the moment. I promised Aichi a Cardfight, got sick and now he probably thinks I hate him. I didn't sleep last night. I should probably. The quicker I recover, the sooner I can Cardfight Aichi

"See you tomorrow Aichi?" I ask, I see his eyes light up. Man he must love cardfighting as much as I do. They are so blue and eager.

"Yeah!" A grin grows on his face.

My thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door. I stand and slowly walk to the door in a blanket. "Yo Kai." Miwa says.

"You can come in." I groan. He smirks.

"I don't even need to ask." He walks in and sits on the arm chair. I lie back on the sofa and look at him.

"You came for a reason. What is it?" I ask. Why couldn't Aichi visit me?

"Aichi is bummed at the moment. He really wanted that Cardfight." An image of Aichi comes to my head. Tears rolling down his cheeks. I mentally shake my head, clearing the image. "When you recover, promise me you'll Cardfight him." I smile.

"Sure thing Miwa, I will."

"Now I'll take my leave. I just wanted to check on you." And with that he left me. I'll go to the doctors tomorrow to get something for my throat.

I call asleep on the sofa.
I wake suddenly. I'm pretty sure it was from hunger. I look up at the clock on the wall. 11:00 am. I shrug. I don't have to do much. I'll make food then go to the doctor to get something for my throat. I fancy stir fry.

I stand and turn on the gas rings. Guess I should start. I cook the food.

After eating, I take a shower. I then get dressed. I should probably wear a coat as I don't want it to get worse. I hear put locking the door.

I check both ways before crossing the road. Don't want to bump into anyone I know. The doctors is a 15 minute walk so I should get there about 2. I begin the walk down the road.

Today is a nice day for once, the sun is shining and the clouds in the sky are scarce. The streets are as busy as usual as it's a school day (They're basically empty). The walk should be fine, and I shouldn't be spotted by anyone.

I reach the cross way to make the path shorter, it's under matinence. Ugh. I have to walk the long way. I turn back and take the alleyway up the street. I walk round the corner and past the gas station. After walking down the road for countless minutes, I hear familiar voices. Oh shit. Its the early finish today. Did I really loose track of time? I swerve into the nearest alleyway. I walk down it and am on the right street now.

Not long after, I arrive at the doctors. Its about 2:21.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The woman at the counter says. I pause.

"Uh, can I speak to Doctor Mark?"

"Doctor Mark. Doctor Mark. Doctor Mar- Here he is! Yes you can, he's free. Go down the corridor and to your left."

"Ok thanks." I say. Suddenly I cough.

I walk down the corridor and follow her instructions. I knock. He opens the door.

"Hey Mark." I say casually.

"Oh, Kai? Long time no see!" He sorta seems happy. "You can come in." I walk in.

His walls are still white and covered in posters, no change there. The dark bookshelf is still by the big window, the same skeleton, or at least it looks the part. "Not much changed then, old guy." I say smiling.

"You haven't come here to catch up, so what is it?" I'm surprised he didn't notice.

"My throat."

"Oh, I thought it had changed after time. Well that explains it!" He smiles.


"Cya Mark!" I call as I exit, a bottle in hand. I look up at the clock. Man, did I really spend an hour and a half in there!?

I'm walking back, when I spot Miwa, Aichi and another kid.

That's all. I know this one was a bit dumb and had less than the other but bear with me. Kaichi stuff will be coming soon. XOX

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