Robin in the night

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Part 1- We open up at a shot of Super hero high, ther is an asembally in the hole, and Prinsable Walder then began to speec. "Greetings everyone, today I gave a treat for you all." The students cheered, and wondered cuoreasly what it was. "It das involve a bit of history, but it's the good kind." Walder added. "I hured that too much good history is bad history." Cyborg wisperd to Starfire, but Beast boy and Raven somehow ease dropped, Walder then pressed a butten. "The history of the earth's greatest superhero team, the Justices League." The students then gasped with joy, Prinsable Walder now shows the first slide. "I recanise that sturn face, my old friend." "You know him dad!?" Batgirl was in shock. "Yep, saved my life once." "He did!?" Batgirl stands. "Yep, for he is vegans! He is the night! He, is, Batman!" He seas in a bad inpreshen for that last part. Ther was a sudden flash of lightning that cuts to gothem city, it was a dark stormy night, and standing on a ruth top, was Bruce wayin, A.K.A, Batman. Looking over the city, behind is the rest of the bat family, Dic Grayson, A.K.A, Nightwing, Jason Tod, A.K.A, Red hood, and Tim drake, A.K.A, Red hawk (sins ther is already a Robin, he changed Robin for hawk). "Is it just me or is it alwase raining in Gothum?" Nightwing asks. "I'de say it's the gray erea. Heck I just wish I worn my mask, rain das not go grate with my hair." Red hawk stated, and then dried his hair. "Stay focused pritty boy!" Red hood helled him by his color, and then true him off the billding. "Jason!" Batman yelled sternly, Red Hood shrugged his shoulders. "What? He has wings. He'll be fine." Batman sighed, thay then descend into a ally way, and land infrunt of a door, and Red hawk got up behind them. "This is the place." "You shor about that?" Nightwing asked his old mentor. "It has to be. We need to find my son." Batman kicked down the door, only to find him selth and the others confronted by some commen thugs.

Part 2- Batman, Nightwing, Red hood and Red hawk stood over the out cold body's of the thugs, and Batman held one up close and spoke in a demanding voice. "I'm only going to ask this once. Wher, is, my, son!?" The thug didn't speec out of fear. "Wher! Is! My! Son!?" He quickly pointed left. And Batman dropped him. "Thank you." The bat family opened a door to see an Arian wher a man with a gient sword swung it at Damien wayin, but he was too quick to get hit. "Too slow!" Damien took out his katana sword and the blades collided, the bat family moved in the shadows, waiting to see how things tarn out. Both the swords clashed, only for the bigger sword to shatter into peaces. "Looks like I win." Damien sead as he charged to deliver the final blow, when suddenly a smoke bomb went off, knocking all of the thugs out, and Nightwing Red hood and Red hawk jumped down as the smoke cleared. "Dic? Jason? Tim? On, that means-" "Damien, wayin." Batman sead landing behind his son, and he was not happy. "How long?" Damien asked looking away and crossing his arms. "Hole time. Now suit up." He demanded. "Fine." Damien walked into a room, and stepped out dressed in his Robin uniform thow the mask was in his left hand. "You bote your uniform with you?" Nightwing qestgend. "Alwase be prepared. First thing dad tote us." The boys nodded in agreement. As Damien put the mask on he headed up sters to the rooth, he was sitting on the edge, the others behind him, with Batman ceeping am eye on him. "Hay Bruce. Maybe you shud talk to him." Batman looked at Nightwing and sead. "I guess your right. But when we're on the clock, you will address me as Batman." He then looked to Robin and his eye brows loward to the sides, and he sat next to his son. "Lissen.. Damien." Batman rubbed the back of his head. "Son, look. I'm not mad. I was worried. And as your father I-" "I get it dad." Robin sead standing up. "Let's just... go home."

Part 3- The bat family was back at the Bat cave, Damien was sparing with Nightwing Red hood and Red hawk. As Batman pulled back his mask being Bruce wayne, he was on the computer, looking threw some pictures from his days at Super hero high. As his butler Altered left him a glass of water. "Thank you Altered." "Your welcome sir." Bruce drank the water as he clicked threw the pitchers, one by one. "Something is troubling you sir, isn't it." Bruce looked at him, with one eye brow razed. "The situation involving master Damien." Bruce looked back at his screen. "I don't know what to do Althred. It was an underground sword fight club. He cud have gotten hurt or....... you know." His voice muttered at the last part. "Master Bruce I'm shor you will think of something, don't forget you are the Batman." His sead supportive. "You are the world's greatest detective, the slayer of the Joker, and the man who led the mighty Justice-" Altered then settled down, realizing why he shudent go... Ther. "My appliances. I forgot about what happend to... him." The two of them looked at the screen, showing a pitcher of a young blue suit Batman with a Young vergen of Superman. "I know you feel guilty about what happend to him. But you had nothing to do with it. The world mourned him." As he looked up back at the pitcher, as the sound of screaming peaple, Superman's heavy breaving, and a thundering monsterus roar ran threw his brane. Until he snapped out of it, breaving heavy, and sweating. He wiped the sweat away as he looked at his butler/father figger. "Damien cad end up "taking down" gool and leading... them. My worst nightmare come true." Bruce put his hands to his face, worried about a possible dark further for his son. Altered look at him, then back at the current pitcher of him infrunt of a school in gajuashen garners, then back at Bruce and so on, until it came to him. "Sir, I think I had an idea." Altered seas zooming in on the school in the background. It then came to Bruce as well, he then hugged Althred in joy, then looking at him with a smile. "Altered, your a jineas." Althred chuckled. "I'm but a simple butler sir. You are the one who a billean air super hero. Even if no one knows." Bruce and Althred look down at the boys, with Robin being the last one standing. "Hay boys. Better get some sleep. I have a big day for you Damien." Bruce stated. "What? Why?" He asked comfused. "If I told you," he pulled his mask back on. "It wasn't be a sapprise." Batman sead with a smile, and an idea in his head.

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