"Shall we head off?" Sam said.

"How far is the church?" You asked.

"Only ten minutes." Sam replied.

Sam, Kate and you took their car whilst Jack and Beth took theirs. Sam asked you about The Masters saying he'd watched the coverage at home. He was easy to talk to, and you could tell why he and Charlotte were close.

The Berkshire countryside was beautiful and the church was located in the heart of a village. You weren't sure if any of Charlotte's friends or family would recognise you and you were worried someone might. You really didn't want a photo of you both to end up on social media.

You stood with Sam and the others outside the church as they chatted to other members of their family. Lewis was going around chatting to everyone and looked a bit nervous. He gave your hand a shake and introduced his older brother Will to you. "So you're the one who's managed to tame Charlotte?" He said arrogantly.

You gave him a fake smile, as you didn't like his comment. "Don't know about that!" You replied trying to be friendly. You didn't like his smirk one bit.

"She's a hard one to control." Will said.

"nah, she's not actually." You said trying to make a joke out of it when in fact you wanted to punch his fucking face in. Prick.

Kate looked at you and you knew she thought he was an arrogant prick to. "So you nervous then Lewis?" she asked cutting Will off as he went to answer you.

"A bit I suppose. Just want the day to be perfect."

"Lets hope she shows up!" Will chipped in.

You definitely didn't like him. It was strange, Lewis was a really great lad, you'd spoken quite a lot at dinner last month, his brother seemed the complete opposite.

Lewis and Will said their goodbyes and headed towards the church. "Arrogant prick." Kate whispered when they were out of earshot.

You and Sam sniggered at her out burst. "Not a fan then?" You asked.

"No, and neither is Charlotte. He was always hounding her at school asking her out. She wouldn't kiss him at a sixth form party we were at once and he spread rumours around that she was frigid and a tease."

"She just thought he was a twat." Sam chipped in. "You know what a feisty mare she is?!"

"She is, it's one of the things I like about her so much." You said smiling.

"Anyway, Will was always annoyed she'd never go out with him. Still takes the piss out of her to this day. She gives as good as she gets though. Left him speechless with one of her rants in the pub one Christmas a few years back."

You laughed picturing the scene. "Come on lets go in." Sam said looking at his watch. "They will be here soon."

Everyone in the church was excited to see Evie arrive but you couldn't wait to see Charlotte. You enjoyed being here with her family, they treated you normally. To be fair Sam hadn't actually known anything about you when you first met and you liked that.

The organ music started and there she was in the doorway, looking absolutely stunning. She was wearing a dusky pink dress with v neckline that had sparkling crystals on it and a long flowing skirt. She was walking with a small girl about 5 or 6 years old and there were two other woman about Evies age behind her.

You could see her scanning the church looking for you. It was only a few moments before your eyes met and she smiled. You smiled back and gave her wink. She scrunched up her nose and bit her lip. That's when it hit you, how much she meant to you. You'd only known each other a few months but you already knew she was special and you weren't going to mess this up again.

Playing Hard to Get - A Niall Horan storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora