"What?" He asked not understanding your face.

"Nothing, just Willie being protective of me yet again." You said lying through your teeth. He was definitely trying to set you two up.

"He's like that with you a lot isn't he?"

"Yeah he is. He's awesome, I hope him and Lara work out, he really likes her."

"I know he doesn't stop talking about her, and you to obviously!"

"Ha! Good save Ni." You laughed.

Dinner with Niall was great. The restaurant he'd chosen was really nice, food was great. He was very attentive and flirty especially after a couple of drinks, tapping his foot against yours every so often under the table and you could feel his eyes on you as you walked away to the bathroom. Was this a date? Or just him being friendly?

You knew he was a nice guy who was caring and he'd asked you loads about your family, your job and stuff. In return you'd gotten jealous over his travels around the world and heard stories about his family and growing up with Willie and Deo.

You weren't spotted as far as you knew. When you'd got back from the restaurant he'd opened your car door for you and had awkwardly lent against the car as you said your goodbyes. You'd thanked him for dinner and given him your now usual hug and kiss on the cheek promising to catch up again soon.


You were nervous as you knocked on Willi and Niall's front door. The last few weeks with Niall had been great, but you had no idea where you stood with him. You'd had coffee dates with him, gone running with him and you had been to dinner twice more since Glasgow. He'd never made a pass at you so you presumed that your initial playing hard to get had been the wrong idea and he had lost interest. Didn't matter though because tonight was about celebrating Willie's birthday.

"Looking hot tonight Char! Trying to impress someone?!" Deo said eyeing you up in your fitted jeans and floaty black top as you hung up your coat.

"Just you, and it seems I've succeeded!" You replied smiling and giving him a hug. "Thanks for the compliment though Deo, but I'm not trying to impress anyone thanks!"

"Whatever!" He said with a smirk.

"Where's the birthday boy then?!"

"Kitchen I think."

You made your way through the living room and to the kitchen spotting a few familiar faces and saying hello. Willie and Niall's flat was packed, easily 30 people. You didn't spot Niall but you found Willie in the kitchen.

"Charlotte! You made it. How was your bridesmaid dress thing?" He said hugging you.

"It was ok, my dress isn't hideous! But lets not talk about that. Happy Birthday! How's your day been?"

"Been good thanks. Let me get you a drink."

He poured you some wine before handing it to you.

"Oh this is for you." You said handing him an envelope. He opened it to find a card about getting old and two tickets to see Jimmy Carr.

"This is great. Thanks sweetheart." He said giving you massive hug and a kiss on the cheek. "You can take Lara if you like." You whispered in his ear before pulling away smiling and giving him a wink.

"Oh who's match making now??!!!"

"Serves you right!"

"Niall is around somewhere" he said.

"Oh I'm sure I'll catch him at some point" you replied not wanting to attract any attention from the others in the kitchen. Willie winked at you realising what you were doing. He'd been pleased to hear you'd accepted Niall's dinner offer in Glasgow two weeks ago and had actively made it his mission to get you two together even if you were resisting.

Playing Hard to Get - A Niall Horan storyWhere stories live. Discover now