Start from the beginning

Next day evening .. KM

Maan was returning from office when he received a courier from the gate keeper... It was for Geet... He looked at the letter confused but then took that to hand over to Geet... Entering the room, he found Geet at one side of the room and went to her...

Maan(held out his hand towards her):- Here , there's a letter for you...

Geet(looked at the covering of the letter and gasped):- Tha... Thank you...

Taking the letter from his hands, her hands shook in nervousness... Maan watched her actions with great concentration, as to why she was shaking ... Geet took a long breath and opened the letter... she covered her mouth, reading the letter. .and after few moments... she shrieked in happiness... jumping, dancing around Maan... she forgot he still was there... Watching her in amusement...

Geet:- yipeee... wow... That's so good news ... yeyyy ... Am selected ...Am selected ... Am sle...

she stopped when she came face to face with Maan... Her smile vanished.. her dance stopped ... and she looked at him nervously..

Maan shook his head and went from there.. Geet released her breath... and again read the letter... she couldn't believe her eyes... Read the letter again and again... and smiled to herself like a fool... yes, she was going to fulfill her dreams... To be a Doctor now.. no, no, a Surgeon.. A great Surgeon...

By the time , she believed that her dream was going to be true.. Maan came out from rest room and now was heading down the stairs for the dinner... which she had forgotten in her excitement ... Geet, thought to tell him the news before she talks down stairs in front of whole family...So she hurriedly went after him...

Geet:- I want to tell you something...

Maan (turned and waited for her to cont):- Hmmm...

Geet(looked down coming close to him):- wo... before our marriage I had given entrance test for colleges of surgeon.. This letter(she showed him the envelope) is the confirmation that I have got through the tests and am selected.. (she waited for his Wishes but he didn't) umm.. I have to join my classes from day after tomorrow...can I ??? (she finished her say and waited for him to speak something ...If not greetings and wishes, then may be He could allow her to complete her studies)

Maan:- Oh !! (he was abt to give her rude reply.. but just his mind recalled how happily she was dancing a while ago reading the news ... unwillingly .. unknown to his own self, he didn't want to spoil her happy face) Ahh!! Congratulations ... (Geet looked at him in awe. ST:- He actually wished me???) I have no probs.. Go on...(she was abt to thank him when he spoke) just, inform others... I mean dad and dadimaa.. (she nodded) Am going down.. (Maan didn't wait for her response and went from here... Geet didn't mind much, as she was happy that He approved of, her studying)

At dinner table..

Geet kept looking at all the faces , thinking of ways to start the convo... Maan, though noticed her state of mind but didn't make any effort to ease her tension..

Maan (ST):- Dinner is a abt to finish and she hasn't even started yet..And soon heard her voice...

Geet:- I.. want to say something...

Maan looked at her and then looked at his plate... while rest of the family members looked at her .. waiting for her to say .. Avi was sitting beside Geet.. having dinner... oblivious of the talks which were abt to start..

Geet:- wo... I want to cont my studies... If you can permit me to ... then...I mean...(She hesitated and Yash helped her)

Yash:- what do you want to study???

Geet:- Medicals... umm.. I have got this letter with me ... (she took the letter from side, and handed that to yash... He wiped his hands and started to go through the letter)

Yash:- wow.. congrtz you are selected already.. (Geet smiled, looking down) Fine, go on..(He turned to Maan) Maan, what do you say???

Maan:- I have no issues...

Yash:- she told you abt it already ???(There was an amusement in his voice as he asked so)

Maan:- yeah !! just a while ago...

Yash then explained Dadi abt Geet's course.. and she too was happy for Geet...

Dev:- congrtz bhabhi...

Geet:- Thank you...(she smiled at Dev and then looked back at yash) Thanks for permission...

NT looked at her .. feeling angry at the love and care Geet received from the day one in KM.. she now started to envy her..Nevertheless, she too congratulated Geet...

Avi (got confused at the happenings):- what's going on???? Where are you going mama???

Geet (looked beside her chair, on which Avi was sitting, she smiled and took his hand in hers):- Am going to study.. like you too go to school hai naa??? (He nodded) and you know what, from now on-wards, I will drop you to your school and pick you up from there as well... then everyday we will go to ice-cream parlor and eat lots of chocolate ice creams there...

Avi:- wow.. we will enjoy lot...

Geet:- yes...

Yash once again adored the child girl and Avi's bonding... He so much liked that...
Eyeing Maan, Yash sighed as he was busy in eating, nothing mattered to him ... Yash shook his head at the rude son of his...

Precap:- Geet requesting Maan..

                  Yash angry at Geet...

Another Part coming in the evening...

Thanks to those who are liking this story of mine and thanks for comments as well... have replied to all do check if you wish to ..

like and comment if you like to

Much Love Rose

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