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Yoongi woke up in soft, warm sheets on a bed, the sun shining into his face as the rays poured sunlight in through the window. It was open a crack, with a breezy, gentle wind blowing on Yoongi's face lightly. He mumbled some random stuff and sat up, a pounding, painful feeling running through his head.

"J-Jimin?" was the first word he said as he looked around. Jimin was fast asleep on a beanbag in the corner of the room. Yoongi staggered over, rubbing his eyes, tired.
"Jimin?" he repeated. Jimin's eyes shot open and he sat up, staring Yoongi in the eyes.

"I-I'm sorry! I'll leave your house!! Taehyung and Jungkook made me stay and look after you!" he cried, standing up and shielding himself with his arms.
"It's okay, I won't hurt you Jimin. Thank you. Now leave," said Yoongi, switching from soft to firm. Jimin ran quickly out of the door, panting as he ran, scared down the stairs.

Yoongi groaned and shuffled over to his wardrobe, smacking his face into it and falling backwards.


Jimin POV

Eomma was not happy when I got home. She scolded me then landed a slap across my face for being gone all night. I touched it, feeling hot blood on my hand. I ran in tears upstairs, i never get slaps from her. I've been told I'm a perfect child, but I guess not. I got my bag ready for school, it was nearly time to go. I can't be late, that's like, a sin to humanity!

I packed my neat homework and quickly headed out of the door, a plaster on my face. I hurried along the lonely path, the immense trees hovering over me, sheltering me from the intense bright sun rays. I picked up a running pace and entered through the gates, and into the boiling school. It was so warm I just dragged my feet along to my locker, feeling a hand on my shoulder.

It was Taehyung. He turned me round and slammed me a against the locker. Jungkook, who was standing smugly next to him, laughed and grabbed my bag from my hands. He turned it upside down and emptied everything out. Then spotted my special notebook.
"A diary? We gotta read this," Jungkook said, opening it and sniggering at most of the contents.

Dear Diary,
Last night, I had to look after Yoongi, who was drunk and tired, and I slept in his room. He's so cute, I wish I could just hug him. But he's so mean, and acts so cool. I wish i was like him. Gotta pack my bag and go to school, bye!

Taehyung looked over his shoulder and laughed obnoxiously, slamming my head on the locker, laughing hard. Tears filled my eyes. Jungkook dropped the notebook on the floor.
"Reach for it, loser," he said, as Taehyung held me back. They sniggered as I attempted to reach it, Taehyung strangling me.

"AHEM," said a gruff voice. Yoongi pushed through the two boys' shoulders and took Taehyung's hand, guiding it off me. He picked up my diary and flicked through, nodding his head expressionlessly. He handed it to me.
"I believe this is yours," he said. "And this too."
he added, handing me my bag, leaving the mess on the floor.

"Come on, let's go," he muttered to the two boys, as they grumbled and walked off with Yoongi. Tears fell from my eyes as I gathered my things quickly. Then I got up and headed to class.

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