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Me~ how do you know me?

Jacob~ Mark, Blake, Bryce all of them talk about you 24/7. No joke.

Me~ oh, well tell me about yourself.

Jacob~ umm I'm 17, I love to sing, I love chocolate milk, and I live in L.A.

Me~ no way I love chocolate milk to! But I also live in L.A and I'm 16 turning 17 next month.

Jacob~ We gotta meet up one day!

Me~ what about on Saturday? Me, Loren, Blake, and Malu are hanging out that day.

Jacob~ can't I gotta be at the studio that day.

Me~ you really serious about singing huh.

Jacob~ yess very

Me~ wish I could sing

Jacob~ you can't sing?

Me~ I mean I can but My brother sings and I don't want to take his spot you know what I mean.

Jacob~ yeah Ik what you mean.

Me~ yeah we'll do you think after your done with the studio maybe you can hang later??

jacob~ yeah, I could probably work something out.

Me~ yay!! Can't wait!

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