Chapter One

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Warning: everything is now different because like I said everything was deleted so expect a different words and events.

Wedding day.

The intense yet melodic sound of piano together with the violin echoes inside the wedding ceremonial venue. The bride, (y/n) walks down the aisle holding a boque of flower on her hands, her long and expensive looking gown shines as the natural lightings hit the beads and a vail was covering the beauty of her face.

As she pass by, both sides families are having a meltdown deep in their hearts, their relatives and friends had gathered to witness the marriage of the two couple.

The members of both groups stands proudly on the side of the aisle aligned properly as they see the bride and groom who is their friend and also a family to them get married in front of the altar.

The bride, (y/n) has finally met up in front of the altar with the groom, Jackson. Soon as this ceremonial ends they are now one and soon to bloom beautiful children.

A/n: i'll just skip the ceremonial part since I don't know a thing abt what priests says.

"You may now kiss the bride." The priest said, everyone was so tensed and ready to cheer as both did a passionate kiss that truly captures all their hearts, seen as the most beautiful and glorious thing to see.

"I love you." Jackson whispered to his now wife.

"I love you too." (Y/n) replied back and gave Jackson another peck on the lips and giving him the most loving hug in the world.

The ceremonial ended, both the newly-wed couple boarded the car that writes 'Just Got Married' on the back and drove to the second venue where the food and where the party will continue.

The two newly-wed couple was guided to seat on the middle front where everyone can see them. Soon guests came in and handed them their presents, of course first on the line are the relatives who gave such warm hearted gifts to congratulate the, and soon their co-members gave them their wonderful gifts and followed by their closest friends.

They both received a lot and some were from fans that got delivered the day before the wedding at their personal houses.

"To the newly married couple!" The mc of the event said as dveryone raise their glasses of wine "congratulations!" He said as everyone clank their glasses together and drank it all up, the two couple crossed their arms before drinking both the glasses down.

Jackson stood up and clank his bread knife on the glasses gaining attention from everyone. "Me and my wife (y/n) are very thankful for everyone who went here and celebrated our marriage together with you guys, we are really honoured to receive such gifts from everyone and I will promise that everything will come in handy" he said, "please enjoy yourselves!" He added.

Everyone cheered and started digging in to their food together with the bride and groom. As soon as the eating course finished guests are all called by group to take a photo with the newly-wed. Soon the real party started leading first the couple's slow dance and soon the music started blasting some real jams that people started dancing together, occupying all the stage. Some were already drinking down wines and some were still going around taking pictures with everyone.

The night ended succesfully, the couple left first and went to a hotel they booked. They both decided to have a relaxation first together since tomorrow they will be leaving to go and explore Philippines.

"Go change first." Jackson said to his wife.

"Okay then." She replied back and went to the bathroom to change into her sleepware.

As soon as she was done Jackson went in and took a shower and also changed intro his sleepware. Soon, he got out and saw (y/n) resting on the bed while watching some tv. He went to her gave her a peck on the lips and cuddled with her.

"You're finally my wifee!" He exclaimed in excitement.

They both laughed and cuddled up with each other. "I know! I can't wait to spend my whole life with you."

"I do too."

Jackson gave her another kiss on the lips and hugged her tight before closing his eyes and losing himself to sleep.

(Y/n) looked down to her husband and whispered, "I love you so much, Jacksonnie." She said and turned off the tv and fixed both their positions and drifted off to sleep together.


Heck my new version is undescribable for me, it is short tho but swear I will try and do my best to make all the stories again. I already have plans with all the chapters so don't worry updating chapters won't rake too long. ♡♡


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