Chapter Ten

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I walked downstairs with Faith and saw that the guys were already waiting for us with chocolate, cookies, popcorn, soda, and a bunch of other junk food. I smiled and almost laughed at how much they were acting like girls supporting a friend after a break up, but also at how much they cared. It was really cool and I was so blessed to have them. Both Skyler and Damian were being quiet, wondering if they were treading on thin ice, so I decided to talk so they were a little more comfortable.

            “We're going to be watching movies, eating snacks, and laying under blankets and it's only 2:30. What does that say about the kind of people we are?” They all laughed and the guys relaxed.

            “It says that we're the awesome kind.” Damian winked at me and I laughed. I walked over to the my black out curtains and pulled them shut so we would be in darkness to watch the movies. Damian and Skyler scooted over to the sides of the couch and I sat in between them. When I had sat down they scooted together again and crushed me.

            “Guuuuyyysss!” I whined. They laughed and scooted over again, but only a little bit. Faith laughed at us and sat down on the floor in front of the couch. I glared at the back of her head and poked her.

            “Ow, what was that for.” I giggled a bit, shrugged my shoulders, then giggled again.

            “Oh lord, she's in that mood.” Skyler emphasized that and I glanced at him sideways.

            “What's that supposed to mean?” I acted all offended and they all rolled their eyes.

            “You're in that mood you get in when you're sleepy, or just done crying. You get all giggly and weird. Well, more weird than normal.” Damian teased me and this time I was the one rolling my eyes.

            “Oh whatever.” I stuck my tongue out and poked Faith again.

            “Seriously dude, what are you doing?” Faith looked up at me and I squeezed her upside down face.

            “You are not allowed to sit on the floor.” She scrunched her face in confusion, then shook her head to get my hands off her face.

            “Why the hell not?” I wrinkled my nose and smiled, but frowned when I remember Tre always called that my 'funny pug' face. I couldn't believe he'd lied to me. I tried to push thoughts of him out of my head and replied to Faith.

            “Because, you always sit on the floor. We are all sitting on the couch this time.” This time everyone looked at me funny and I crossed me arms to let them know my decision was final.

            “And how, exactly, do you expect us all to fit on this couch?” Damian poked my sides and I narrowed my eyes at him. I'm not normally ticklish, but for some reason when either Damion or Blade tickle me I just lose it.

            “We will fit. Even if someone had to sit on someone’s lap. We. Will. Fit.” They looked at me like I was crazy, but agreed anyway. I really don't know why I didn't have  a bigger couch, but I did have more than one so whatever. Faith stood up and looked for a way to fit on the couch, not finding anywhere.

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