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A shower. A long hot shower. That's all I wanted. After a grueling day at school, any 17-year-old guy would look forward to a shower and a bed to sleep in.

Long days weren't a new thing for me. I was used to putting in a lot of after school hours for my drawings.

I'd work in the art room meanwhile Geni, my twin sister, was at soccer practice.

Geni and Ma were the only reason I drew. They pushed me to expand my drawings from the solace of my bedroom to a more involved environment like school.

I didn't mind. If it made my Ma and Geni happy, I was ok.

Standing while drawing was a must for me. Doing so, I stroked the pencil across the smooth thick paper. I didn't know who I was drawing, not exactly. I had a hazy memory of an old woman I'd seen walking across the beach. The woman held a single yellow rose. Her hair was as white as the foam after a wave in the ocean and her eyes were as silver as the little fish that swam by. It was as if I'd seen her a second ago, but truly it had been 2 weeks. Finishing off my last detail for the day, I stood back to inspect my work

The left eyebrow needed fixing. I needed a shower. The drawing could wait

After cleaning up the art supplies, I walked out of the art room with a swift goodbye to Mrs. Whittaker.

She was a champ for letting me stay after school.

I adjusted my rucksack and made my way down the dimly lit hallway.

There weren't many students in the hallways of Edgemont High on a Wednesday afternoon. Only the tutoring groups
and the few art students that stayed behind. I was used to walking alone. It was nice having a few moments for myself. I loved my Ma and Geni, but momentary silence was great.

My "me" time was cut way to short when I noticed a girl with pretty blonde hair come out of a classroom.

She looked up at me and I immediately took in her blue eyes. Her eyes resembled the memories I had of the ocean from when I visited Puerto Rico, my mothers hometown, as a child. They were a clear blue that held promises of mischief and laughter.

The girl was wearing a simple pair of dark jeans with a red and gold school t-shirt. It was impossible to miss her tall socks and sandals. Her socks had a tiny Coca-Cola bottle designs on them.


The girl brushed her hair behind her ear and asked, "Coming out of tutoring?"

We kept walking down the hall together, Maybe company wouldn't be too bad.

l noticed the girl was playing with the edge of her T-shirt.

Shaking my head, I said, "No, I'm actually coming out of the art room

"Ah, an artist. How fancy." She deadpanned.

"You say it like it's a bad thing." I laughed, not offended in the slightest. Not everyone appreciated the magnificence of art. I had long ago accepted that.

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